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The deserved victory of the Anapa judoists

Friday, 01 March 2013, 09:47
The deserved victory of the Anapa judoists

In the resort town passed superiority of the Southern federal circle

In Anapa from February 25 to February 27 passed command championship of the Southern federal district in judo among young men and girls aged till 15 years.

As organizers of superiority acted: Federation on fight of sambo and judo of the resort town of Anapa and No. 4 DYuSSh. The chief judge – the judge of the All-Russian category Andrey Lopatin, the chief secretary – the judge of the first category Sarkis Torosyan. Observance of all rules was watched by 16 judges, and competitions took place at the highest level.

Passed superiority in two stages. In the first day of team showed knowledge of equipment of judo on an orange belt, ката (4 KYu), the second stage – directly fight. The general result counted by results of performances in two disciplines.

All children successfully passed examination on receiving an orange belt 4 KYu which was accepted by a commission of experts from among trainers-teachers of the fourth sports school of Anapa.

Both in the first, and in the second stages of superiority victories of the national team of Krasnodar Krai-1, on the second place – the second national team of edge, the third were convincing, with essential lag finished competitions residents of Rostov. Thus places also were distributed following the results of the second day of fight in an all-team competition.

Here names of winner pupils of DYuSSh No. 4: Faina Kulish (40 kilograms), Maria Dorofeyev (52 kilograms) and Irina Bobkova (57 kilograms).

As a part of the national team of Krasnodar Krai-2 acted and won silver awards pupils of the fourth sports school: Dean Voronin (44 kilograms), Valentina Petrosyan (57 kilograms), Alexander Burmistrov (42 kilograms) and Ilya Firsov (60 kilograms).

The deserved victory and successful performance of children of the national team of our edge already for the sixth time confirm ranks of the strongest athletes in the region. Before competitions on the basis of No. 4 DYuSSh in the specialized sports Ry complex I passed week collecting – serious preparation for athletes of our edge under the leadership of skilled trainers-teachers of school.

We congratulate our team which in a month should act and be overcome for medals of superiority of Russia in Anapa.

The text and photo are provided to No. 4 DYuSSh.


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