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Sagid Murtazaliyev returns the IOC the Olympic medal

Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 15:58
Sagid Murtazaliyev returns the IOC the Olympic medal

Sagid Murtazaliyev - winner on Games of Sydney decided to return Olympic "gold".

The glorified athlete took this step in protest at accepted the other day executive committee the IOC of recommendations to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program. The position on this matter Sagid Murtazaliyev stated in the open letter addressed to the president Jacques Rogge's IOC.

 "The decision to return the Olympic medal was given me not easy — spoken in the letter — but nevertheless after some thoughts I decided to follow the lead of great Bulgarian fighter Valentin Yordanova. Medal for a victory on Games in Sydney the most my dear award, and only the one who stood at the top step of the Olympic pedestal, knows, through what tests, difficulties and self-sacrifices it is necessary to pass that to rise by it. Figures the IOC already one recommendations to withdraw fight from the program of Games, involuntarily belittle the importance of the Olympic medal won on a wrestling mat, call into question rich history of development of our sport originating since antique times.

The names in this history were entered also by the Dagestan wrestlers who on the main starts of the fourth anniversary won in total 16 gold medals. Not each big state, including all sports, can brag of such quantity of the highest Olympic awards.

In our republic from time immemorial read fight which owing to traditions, availability and genetic predisposition of mountaineers to it became the most popular sports discipline among Dagestanis. Today in our cities and villages of one thousand and thousands children are fond of fight. For many of them who are especially living in the rural remote place, it only an available sport, being engaged which they become stronger mind and body, find the purpose in life, dreaming of the Olympic victories.

And such corners on the earth where wrestling is a traditional and popular sport, part of national culture if you want, great variety. With unusual ease figures the IOC to please to television ratings want to get rid at one stroke of the Olympic fight, without reflecting that thus they rob million adherents of this single combat worldwide. The short-sighted decision the IOC threatens executive committee not only the wrestling being one of symbols of Olympic Games, but also Olympic movement against its firm ideals and values.

Returning the Olympic medal, I the act want to bring a contribution in the launched protest campaign against intentions the IOC. I hope and believe that the common sense will prevail that voices of millions people will be heard, and wrestling again as it was at all times, becomes full part of the Olympic family".

Sagid Magomedovich Murtazaliyev

The deserved master of sports of Russia

Olympic champion (Sydney, 2000)

World champion (1999)

Champion Evropy (2000)

Winner of Goodwill Games (1998)

Vice-president of the Federation of Wrestling of Russia (FWR)

Deputy of People's assembly of Dagestan


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