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Sergey Matvienko: "The IOC will make huge nonsense if excludes wrestling from the Olympic program"

Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 12:42
Sergey Matvienko:
фото http://img11.beijing2008.cn/

The participant of competitions on Olympic Games-2000 Greco-Roman wrestling, the head of department of tourism and sports of akimat of the Kostanay region Sergey Matvienko so expressed the relation to the executive committee offer the IOC to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program

– It is the biggest nonsense which the IOC can make. Wrestling together with track and field athletics stood at the sources of Olympic Games. Since antique times wrestlers – a standard of the man, the athlete. Yes, there are many other beautiful sports, but fight – one of basic, and me is unclear how it is possible to exclude these sports from the Olympic program?

Functionaries tell the IOC – a pier, fans don't go on competitions of fighters, don't look them. But same not

so! In due time we collected packed houses! And present recession of popularity, in my opinion, is connected with various unnecessary innovations.

For example, in Greco-Roman wrestling entered rules which to it precisely didn't add staginess. For example, we fought three periods for three minutes. Now entered a format – two periods for one and a half minutes, and if a draw, one and a half more! But reflect – that such in general one and a half minutes? !

When fight lasted three periods for three minutes, the fighter showed all the skills: both equipment, and endurance, and will to win. Now it everything isn't necessary. Points are gathered only in orchestra seats. In a rack absolutely ceased to fight. And after all in a rack all receptions are most spectacular – a throw a deflection, is bright through a hip and so forth.

Or, for example, limited the weight of the heaviest category in 120 kilograms. And to the one who weighs 130 kg where to disappear? Earlier simply there was a category over 100 kg, and fights in it were very and very spectacular.

I consider before so considerably changing the rule, the International federation of fight needed to submit a question for general discussion, to involve experts from CIS countries where traditions of fight were always strong.

And now here executive committee the IOC with the strange offer … Very much I hope that in the IOC will understand and won't exclude our ancient sport from Olympic Games. Wrestling of similar negligence to itself precisely didn't deserve.



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