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Karelin urge to rescue the Olympic wrestling

Friday, 26 April 2013, 11:13
Karelin urge to rescue the Olympic wrestling
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The fighter of MMA known in the past American Matt Lindlend hopes that the triple Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Russian Aleksandr Karelin who is a part of bureau of the International federation of wrestling, will return this sport to the program of Games.

- Wrestling want to exclude from the Olympic sports. What do you think of it?

- In general it already excluded from Olympic Games — Lindlenda of Blood&Sweat quotes. — Now our task as the former Olympians, trainers and fans — to return wrestling as it is the most important sport. It appeared before any other sport, it was on games in Ancient Greece, was on the first modern Olympic Games, and is their integral part.

- It became result of changes in rules?

- In wrestling the ball rules FILA. When they enter too many changes, it enters into the deadlock of fans. In principle, it is very simple sport — two athletes wrestling with each other. What can be simpler? Fortunately, the old president of FILA left the post, and I hope that Aleksandr Karelin will take his place. Certainly, he is the busy person, but I know as far as he loves our sport, and the better known wrestler, than it, isn't present around the world. I consider, it can represent not only Russia, but also the whole world in aspiration to return wrestling to the program of Olympic Games.


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