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May — month of fight for wrestling

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 15:00
May — month of fight for wrestling

The most discussed news for the last three months the recommendation of Executive committee of the International Olympic Committee began to exclude wrestling from the program of the Olympic Games of 2020. Bewildered, indignation, indignation athletes of the whole world treated it.

In support expressed both fans, and sports officials, and prominent politicians. Yes what to speak, misunderstanding caused the decision "to get rid" of wrestlers on the main starts of a planet and among people not privy to sports. Protest actions began with the middle of February in all countries. Opportunity to realize the offer the IOC opposed not only wrestlers – freestylersand classics, but also athletes of the most different types. May is declared month of wrestling for wrestling. Having united forces, national federations carry out the international campaign of "Save Olympic Wrestling".

In thousands cities passed meetings and flash mobs in support of wrestling, competitions and tournaments under the motto "Let's Keep Wrestling in the Olympic Program". To the International Olympic committee the innumerable number of letters with protests is directed. There were even those who returned the Olympic medals to the IOC. Sports public

The Tambov region couldn't stand aside from the protest actions developed around the world:

We will fight for wrestling! [Video]


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