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"At the last president wrestling actually killed"

Wednesday, 15 May 2013, 15:43

Four different views on attempts to leave wrestling in the program of the Olympic Games

Until the end of May will pass some key events which will answer a question, whether there will be a wrestling (such versions as free, Greek-Roman and female) in the program of Olympic Games enter into it. The World day of uniform actions is appointed to May 15 in protection of wrestling, on May 18 in Moscow the congress of the International federation of wrestling (FILA), and on May 30 — executive committee the IOC in St. Petersburg will take place. Waiting for decisive actions "The Moscow news" asked the four of experts to give the look about an essence of problems which this sport faced.


George Bryusov, first vice-president of Federation of wrestling of Russia, coordinator of the anti-recessionary working group FILA:

— It is necessary to make a reservation at once that the February decision of executive committee the IOC, recommending not to include wrestling in the Igr-2020 program, wasn't directed against the sport, its traditions and heroes. This decision was caused by negative tendencies in FILA over the last ten years. It and absurd change of rules, and the opaque scheme of management closed on one person — the former president Raphael Martinetti, and absence of committees of athletes, and judicial scandals on each large tournament, including Olympic Games. Already it is possible to tell that it was extremely painful, but to some extent the shake-up necessary for us.

For these three months a lot of things are made. Now we accurately represent, what requirements are put forward by the IOC, the campaign of Save Olympic Wrestling including various actions in all corners of the world (for example, a match of the USA is started — Russia at the central station of New York), is developed new strategy of development of wrestling. New FILA acting the president — Serbian Nenad Lalovich whom we will support as the head of world wrestling the next four years is appointed. Certainly, there will be also cardinal changes in rules — we want that wrestling became clear to wide audience. About all this speech on FILA congress on May 18 which promises to become one of the most important for all history of our sport will go. Ways aren't present back.


Vladimir Ivanitsky, television commentator of the channel of "NTV Plus":

— You won't believe, but literally some days before news about the decision the IOC I wrote the text where foretold that wrestling shortly can have problems. The only thing that didn't expect — such fast. I see two main reasons of these problems. First, not staginess for wide audience. The former management FILA so played with rules, setting as the purpose to clean domination of representatives of CIS countries and first of all Russia that turned wrestling into a sport where the athlete can theoretically become the Olympic champion, without having made any technical action. It is a nonsense.

Secondly, wrestling couldn't become a television product. To fit into modern system of the sports industry and to receive the slice of this financial pie, any federation should become attractive to a tandem "money" and "attention of mass media". There are known criteria of appeal: clearness, staginess, systemacity, principle of one platform, registration and giving, television direction, weight categories, participation of sports and media stars. And so, heads of world wrestling sense on one of these criteria of work didn't conduct. Whether acquired the new management FILA a lesson — we learn very soon.


Alexey Kylasov, the culturologist, the member of Scientific council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on studying and protection of a natural and cultural heritage:

— It seems to me that plaints about accident in case of an exception of wrestling of the program of the Olympic Games go from misunderstanding of its essence. Wrestling is present at all traditional holidays, so, it is possible to thank only the IOC for this possible decision (though it was accepted not for the sake of the sublime purposes, and in own interests). The wrestling exit from the Olympic system will allow it to return to simple and clear rules by which even participants yearned.

Actually, wrestling is the same component, as well as all the rest in the Olympic program and therefore can't have any advantages. The elite sport which it is built in, is hi-tech and represents piece goods. And here discrepancy is available — wrestling remains the sport last and disappearing from the Olympic Games in which the victory is reached only by ability and muscular force and therefore the hi-tech surroundings in it isn't required (even in track and field athletics long ago it is already impossible to reach results in simple gym shoes and cotton trenik). In system of modern sports such simplicity at all isn't the advantage as wrestlers assure. Further preservation of this look in the program of the Olympic Games will testify only to conservatism of members the IOC. Wrestling leaving from the Olympic scene all the same happens sooner or later.


Alexander Novikov, one of founders of the Soviet school of wrestling, honourable vice-president of FILA:

— That bad that occurred in wrestling in recent years, I connect with a name of president Martinetti. Person of doubtful moral and professional qualities. He didn't feel our sport. At it rules made such that from wrestling remained nothing. There was no orientation to equipment — and just in it beauty and staginess! Wrestling actually "killed". To revive it, a lot of time is required.

As an example I can bring Milan Ertsegan — the president of FILA in 1972-2002. I consider him as the best head for all history — simply because he perfectly understood wrestling, saw as well as where it has to change. Even in the 1950th one wrestling lasted 20 minutes. Ertsegan supported essential reduction of its duration. I told: "Colleagues! The satellite flies about Earth in six minutes. Why we force the viewer to look on two wresters three times more time?"

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