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To overcome "Frankenstein"

Wednesday, 22 May 2013, 09:09
To overcome
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On the second floor of Ritz Carlton hotel (former "Intourist") on Tverskaya Street on Saturday many broken ears — distinctive signs of the wrestler of any age were observed. The international federation of the integrated styles of wrestling (FILA) gathered for the extraordinary congress to develop the plan how to leave the sport in the Olympic program and to elect to itself the new president. The correspondent "Moscow news" observed how wrestlers followed an isparvleniye way.

Million for the rescue plan

— Allow you to present one gift — in the final address to delegates of just elected president of FILA of Serbian Nenad Lalovich pulled on allegory. — It is a small pocket mirror. In it hint. Everything depends only on you. You look in it when you think of problems of our sports and of how to solve them.

The gift was with sense, and it accepted without reservations. At wrestlers now really there is a lot of problems, and they know about it. For those three months that passed the IOC from the moment of the shocking recommendation of executive committee to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program, the new team of managers did really great job. The Federation of Wrestling of Russia (FWR) let out and distributed to journalists the booklet devoted to the congress in which all steps on rescue are described in a chronological order. The rescue operation was developed the grandiose. Almost every other day something yes occurred: demonstrations, statements of influential politicians and stars, match meetings. One of them passed at the central station of New York, having made the impossible — united Russia, the USA and Iran.

The known consulting company from Denmark — TSE Consulting is employed, whose services cost according to informal information 1 million dollars. The representative of TSE spoke before delegates very long, showed schedules, constantly pressing that the plan of advance of a sport is necessary. That the plan while isn't present, listeners understood only by the speech end. But by September it will be, the lecturer promised. However, already it is now obvious, let while and it is informal: the main Olympic thunder-storm passed by. It is unlikely the executive committee the IOC which will pass on May 29 in St. Petersburg, will decide to ignore such unique passionarity of separately taken sport.

Martinetti and mirror

But that all this worked, to wrestlers for a start it was necessary to displace the president of the federation. And it appeared absolutely not easy. Swiss Raphael Martinetti for the chair fought to the last. It is considered what exactly it wrestling led up a blind alley. It not so at the same time. Martinetti in 11 years of board really heaped up a heap of affairs: quarreled about the IOC, I tortured continuous changes of rules, I passed all marketing calls. And the February decision of executive committee the IOC which wasn't recommending inclusion of wrestling in number of the main 25 sports, since Igr-2020, looked unexpected only from the point of view of efficiency. And so everything to it went long ago.

But the new head of federation Nenad Lalovich gave a pocket mirror not just like that. It made the gift the main hint: source of problems, dear delegates, in you. To Martinetti's glorification the hand was laid by many of the delegates who were present yesterday of the congress. Their calculation was clear: to create "Frankenstein from wrestling" and to supervise him in the interests. But Frankenstein grew up, отъелся, learned to play on contradictions of "fathers", and then at all crashed out. And all subsequent damnations in its address look though sincere, but not absolutely logical.

Martinetti didn't give up to the last. It carried the case in sports arbitration in Lausanne which rehabilitated his member of FILA bureau (the truth, having confirmed legitimacy of its resignation from the presidency), and arrived to Moscow to be at war and win. A day before the congress passed FILA bureau which had to call the only candidate for tomorrow's elections of the head of the organization. Martinetti proposed himself as a candidate at once, firmly counting on support. But the situation for these months exchanged. One of his old supporters got up and told: "Raffias, we here thought … Now that time when our close-knit wrestling family has to be together"

The Swiss, at last, understood everything and reconciled. On its Saturday congress it wasn't audible and it isn't visible.

Rules come into force

54-year-old Nenad Lalovich is elected the new president of FILA, from 132 delegates of the congress for it voted 125. The Serbian makes very pleasant impression. I grew in a family of the diplomat, already in the childhood I visited the half-world. Perfectly speaks English and French and, certainly, Russian. Some years I was the assistant to Milan to Ertsegan — the person whom consider as the best president of FILA in the history. Generally, apparently, the person in a subject and on the place. It was necessary not to spoil it.

Except elections, the congress of FILA had to approve new edition of rules. If shortly and in fact, all agreed that the account will be now through, instead of separate on the periods; the periods now will be two for three minutes; the lot is cancelled. The main direction — staginess and encouragement of carried-out receptions. Discussion arose only on when these rules have to come into force. The past a day before this FILA bureau, it seems, decided that immediately. Arisen then and discussion lasting nearly an hour showed that the new president got uneasy economy.

— How it — from tomorrow? To us that, at night to be retrained? — the voice in which all recognized the head of department of free-style wrestling of FSBR Shamil Nevretdinov was distributed.

— Yes, new rules will come into force since January 1, 2014 — the secretary general of FILA Michel Dyusson confirmed.

— Allow, we solved yesterday everything, we begin immediately — the head of the commission of FILA of development of new rules Stan Dzidzich from the USA became puzzled.

When the exchange of opinions reached a half-hour point, legendary Arsene Fadzayev, the double Olympic champion, nowadays — the first vice-president of FSBR didn't sustain.

— Listen, we aren't tennis players. Wrestling it also is wrestling that there to study half a year. Days will suffice. Let's show the IOC that we are ready to change immediately. Of that are we afraid?

— Correctly — someone told in Russian with strong Georgian accent. — I am Eldar Kurtanidze from Georgia, once was the world champion. I will honestly tell: all of us were bothered by these old rules. Let's wrestlers sigh quietly. Will suffice to scoff at us.

— So, all. We can't spend for this question the whole hour — Nenad Lalovich with authority told. We confirm the bureau decision: new rules come into force immediately. Certainly, thus we leave to ourselves opportunity to hold test competitions to see weak places. Many affairs still are necessary to us. While we made only the first steps.


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