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Aleksandr Karelin is live and healthy, and was lost its full the namesake

Sunday, 21 April 2013, 10:38
Aleksandr Karelin is live and healthy, and was lost its full the namesake

The disturbing message on death of the outstanding wrestler, extended, fortunately, wasn't confirmed today by Internet editions.

On Saturday evening in the Ministry of Emergency Situations information that Aleksandr Karelin was lost during fishing in the Astrakhan region arrived. However after the made inspection it became clear that it is a question about full to the namesake of the well-known athlete.
The president of Federation of wrestling of Russia Mikhail Mamiashvili confirmed that to well-known "classic" happened nothing. "I contacted Karelin's friends, they told that it in the Novosibirsk region and anywhere out of its limits didn't leave" — told Mamiashvili to R-Sport agency.
The media director "Karelin fund" Konstantin Kruglyansky also disproved appeared information on the tragedy with the triple Olympic champion: "Alexander Aleksandrovich is live and healthy! Today it was with a working trip in the Ordynsky region of the Novosibirsk region, and to Astrakhan didn't go".


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