On April 13 in the city of Lorenskog in the southeast of Norway took place the national tournament "Cup of Lorenskog" on Greco-Roman wrestling among young men and juniors .
In it took part 201 wrestlers from 15 sports clubs of the country. Vainakh athletes from the different cities of Norway won a set of medals of all advantages. Among young men till 12 years in category 30 kg Ismail Dikayev became the champion, and the third place was taken by Denis Makhmadiyev from local wrestling club. In the weight of 37 kg for gold were overcome Hamzat Mitayev and Akhjyad Temirov. Hamzat who became a champion appeared more successful. In category 45 kg Mohamed Lorsanov won. In group of young men till 15 years in category 73 kg leadership was challenged again by two our wrestlers — Mahomed-Ami Yangulbayev and Abdoul-Mahomed Davletukayev. In the second period Yangulbayev managed to defeat the rival and to become the champion. Adam Mitayev (38 kg) and Sulim Makhmadiyev (59 kg) became in this group bronze prize-winners. Among 15-17-year-old young men champions became Dzhakhar Magomadov in the weight of 69 kg and Islam Mitayev in 85 kg who in the ending won on "touch". Muslim Mitayev (58 kg), Shamil Magomadov (63 kg) and Adlan Madagov (76 kg) became silver prize-winners. As though having agreed, all of them won on one wrestling and on one lost. At last, among juniors till 20 years in weight category 66 kg in wrestling for a gold medal on a carpet agreed Ibrahim Dikayev and Muslim Solsayev. Muslim won the first period in in view of a clear advantage — 6:0. But, further Dikayev became more active and, having won two next periods — 8:3, 6:0, became the champion of tournament. Bronze in category 74 kg was won by Shamil Maskhadov.