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Aleksandr Karelin: the second place - is exact not ours

Monday, 23 September 2013, 10:07
Aleksandr Karelin: the second place - is exact not ours

On September 22 in Budapest (Hungary) came to the end the World Cup in the Olympic types of wrestling. In final day Olympic champions Roman Vlasov (to 74 kg) and Islam-Beka Albiyev (to 66 kg) became silver prize-winners on Greco-Roman wrestling, having lost in the endings to South Koreans Hyon Wu Kim and Khan Su Rhee. Russian national team performance for WRESTRUS.RU was commented by the triple Olympic champion, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Karelin.

- In what the reason of defeat of Roman Vlasov in the World Cup ending?

- Representatives of South Korea took two gold and one silver medal in easy and average scales. Koreans spread around tactics of the incredible impact aimed at in the World Cup involving the rival in any reception. This obvious domination, is a fragmentary rhythm to break wrestling, not to allow our children to create the precondition for the throws. Unfortunately, Roman Vlasov could oppose nothing to this tactics. It didn't have enough receptions in a rack because in it the main, first of all, moral advantage over the rival is reached.

- The Korean put in orchestra seats twice. Why Roman Vlasov didn't manage to carry out reception?

- I will repeat, all advantage goes from a rack, it gives confidence, and of orchestra seats the rival is already pressurized. The novel showed it in wrestling with the old rival Arsene Dzhulfalakyan. And in the ending it didn't have enough work as the first number. The rhythm of wrestling and its course were dictated, whatever one may do, by the Korean.

- How you estimate a situation with three preventions to Islam-Beku Albiyev because of which he lost in the ending?

- Islam-Beka carried out in the World Cup remarkable wrestling with Azerbaijanian Aliyev. I dominated all wrestling and I won in it a convincing early victory. And if to speak about turning point of the ending, from a tribune it seemed to me that the Korean broke axiomatic statement of feet in orchestra seats, intentionally having put them a dagger. Why judges didn't consider a protest of our national team, I don't know

- Your assessment to Russian national team performance?

- One gold and three silver – result good, but not the best. The second place – is exact not ours. And the annoying. I understand how it was offensive Ivan Kuylakov, Islam-Beku Albiyev, Roman Vlasov to be content with silver because it is obvious – all were well ready.


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