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Aleksandr Karelin doesn't intend to become the president of FILA

Wednesday, 09 October 2013, 14:38
Aleksandr Karelin doesn't intend to become the president of FILA

The triple Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, the member of bureau of the International federation of the integrated styles of wrestling/FILA/Aleksandr Karelin told that doesn't intend to wrestling in the future for a post of the president of FILA.

"I have mass interesting undertakings, and the present situation suits me, - Karelin at press conference in ITAR-TASS told. - Now I come on competitions and I can sit where I want. Though me and so with dogs look for to put in presidium".

"It was necessary to reestablish communication with all members the IOC"

Karelin considers that for return of wrestling to the Olympic program it was necessary to reestablish communication with all members the IOC.

"I understand that representatives of the management of the International Olympic committee could vote for an exception of wrestling of the program of Games, - the Olympic champion told. - It was necessary to reestablish communication with all members the IOC. After all one of arguments of those who voted against, was that we didn't go neither on receptions, nor on consultation. Therefore we improved the mutually respectful relations with all. And those who voted against us, I think, understood that the decision made in February was, to put it mildly, rash".

"Our western friends still in euphoria"

Uniform team representatives of wrestling of the whole world, first of all, Russia, Iraq, as the USA - made a speech at session International Olympic the committee/the IOC / in Buenos Aires in September where it was succeeded to defend the most ancient Olympic sport in the program of Games till 2024. It at a press conference in ITAR-TASS was declared by the first vice-president of Federation of wrestling of Russia/FSBR/George Bryusov.

"Children very competently spent all preliminary period, - he told. - When the titled Olympians, legends - Mikhail Mamiashvili and Aleksandr Karelin on September 5 and 6 approached, all breathed sigh of relief".

Bryusov noticed that the victory was won for the account of "team actions". "For a long time there are in memory those impressions, - it continued. - Our western friends to these stay in euphoria. Representatives of wrestling for history of this sport have for the first time an opportunity to state that collected for many years".

George Bryusov noted that "we are now enriched with modern technologies, communications and we act not as any individual and as team which on a shoulder serious problems".По to opinion being present at a meeting of a live legend of world wrestling of Alexander Karelin, it is pleasant that "in a question of preservation of wrestling in the program of the Olympic Games Russia, the USA and Iran appeared allies".

"Kerimov gave us big support"
The owner of football club "Angy" Souleymane Kerimov continues to support wrestling regardless of financial difficulties. Triple Olympic champion Aleksandr Karelin told about it, answering a question of the correspondent of ITAR-TASS.

In August Kerimov decided to optimize the budget of "Angers", having lowered financial costs of team. The club left a number of the main players. Later the businessman had problems with the Uralkali company, the most which part of actions belongs to him. Investigative authorities of Belarus at the beginning of September against the termination of cooperation of "Uralkali" with "Belaruskali" accused Kerimov of an abuse of power and office powers.

"Kerimov gave big support, - Karelin told. - And those opportunities which are concentrated in federation, and it not only bonus, but also in good sense of the word restless creative and active collective, were created thanks to Kerimov's participation.

 And it not only trainer's structure, but also organizational. Souleymane Abdusaidovich applied to it all the forces and now he doesn't disregard wrestling. In our mobilization opportunities there are its huge investments and interest".

"In all our achievements connected with preservation of wrestling in the Olympic program, there is a huge merit of long-term activity and support which Souleymane Kerimov gave and renders federations of wrestling both to all Russian and world wrestling movement", - the first vice-president of Federation of wrestling of Russia George Bryusov noted.


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