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Aleksandr Karelin became the ambassador of wrestling on the World games of martial arts

Wednesday, 09 October 2013, 11:43
Aleksandr Karelin became the ambassador of wrestling on the World games of martial arts

The triple Olympic champion, the deputy of the State Duma, Hera Rossii Aleksandr Karelin became the ambassador of wrestling on the second World games of martial arts which will take place in Sankt-Petersburg.

Outstanding athletes martial artists become ambassadors of a multisports forum. They will represent the styles and the directions on various actions during carrying out competitions in St. Petersburg from October 18 to October 26.

"My main objective as the ambassador, to inform to participants of a forum wrestling in all its variety, - in conversation with the correspondent of ITAR-TASS as the ambassador the Olympic champion so commented on the role. - I will conduct open lessons, meetings with participants of the World games of martial arts in St. Petersburg. Ambassadors will take part and in the cultural program of Games. For me it is very important to represent wrestling on the second World games, after all they take place at us, in Russia".

Earlier Giles le Dezhu / сават/, Karina Azvuaryan/fekhtovaniye/, Darya Tarasova / ушу/, Sara Stevenson / тхэквондо/, Olesya Kovalenko/sumo/, Tony Dzhaaa / Thai boxing/, Bill Uolles/kikboksing/, Emisitsa Takiyasu/kendo/, Ttsugo Sakumoto/carat/, Vincent Parisi / ju-jitsu(s) of Ezio Gamba / judo / became ambassadors of Games Fedor Emelyanenko/sambo/.


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