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Aleksandr Karelin visited two schools in St. Petersburg

Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 15:17
Aleksandr Karelin visited two schools in St. Petersburg

The triple Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Hera Rossii Aleksandr Karelin, being in St. Petersburg on the second World games of martial arts as the ambassador from wrestling, decided to depart from the general ambassadorial program a little.

Karelin visited two local schools - Krasnoselsky district lyceum 590, and comprehensive school 57 Primorskogo, where communicated to children and carried out trainings.

"I decided that as ambassador Igr popularizing the sport, would be useful visit of simple schools, - Karelin told. - Communicated today to children that such to be strong. It is necessary to begin with properly to carry out the school program, to listen to teachers, to respect seniors. Everything is simple".

It should be noted that the school students who have had an opportunity to communicate to the triple Olympic champion, were not at once ready to dialogue - suffered prolonged anxiety. But the situation was discharged by one of the first graders, taken an interest as the sport of Karelin correctly is called. "Classics", - answered the wrestler, having invited the kid to occupation.

Upon termination of actions Karelin distributed autographs to children and has dinner in the table school 57, one of the few in the city, possessing a wrestling mat - the sport is included here into the physical education class program.

In plans for day at Karelin visit of National state university of physical culture, sports and name health Lesgafta where he once defended the thesis still the student, and in the evening on October 22 Hera Rossii will support the Russian wrestlers on the World games, reports ITAR-TASS.


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