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Aleksandr Karelin lit Olympic Games-2014 fire bowl in Novosibirsk

Monday, 09 December 2013, 07:23
Aleksandr Karelin lit Olympic Games-2014 fire bowl in Novosibirsk

The triple Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Hero of Russia Aleksandr Karelin took part in Olympic torch relay in native for him Novosibirsk. The legendary wrestler bore a torch at the final stage of relay and together with the governor of the Novosibirsk region Vasily Yurchenko lit a bowl of Olympic flame

- Magnificent impressions! - Aleksandr Karelin shared emotions. - Frankly speaking, I worried before start, also, as worried before an exit to fight. but "native walls" helped, fellow countrymen supported. They welcomed torch carriers on all a route of movement of fire, people sincerely rejoiced. Life of each Torch of Olympic torch relay of Sochi-2014 is transient, but also these bright moments it is enough to become part of remarkable history of the international Olympic Movement. The torch is the symbol which force grows even after it "executed" part of the honourable mission and went out. My many acquaintances to whom has the luck to bear the Olympic Games torch in Sochi, were surprised after they finished the distance, residents of Novosibirsk approached to them, asked autographs and were photographed for memory.
Right after completion of official Olympic flame lighting ceremony took place improvised the autograph session with Aleksandr Karelin's participation which proceeded hour one and a half. Everyone could with be photographed with the well-known Novosibirsk wrestler, get the autograph, take in hands a valuable relic - the Olympic Games Sochi-2014 torch.


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