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Aleksandr Karelin becomes the chief of a staff of Vladimir Znatkov

Saturday, 22 March 2014, 11:11
Aleksandr Karelin becomes the chief of a staff of Vladimir Znatkov

"United Russia" within strengthening discharged work of a campaign headquarters on elections of the mayor of Novosibirsk of the guide of the vice governor Victor Kozodoya

Soon the staff will be headed by the deputy of the State Duma from the region Aleksandr Karelin, the secretary of the General council of "United Russia" Sergey Neverov declared. About it to the correspondent of REGNUM news agency reported in the party press service.
We will remind, today the Central district of Novosibirsk satisfied the statement of the ex-deputy minister of economy of Russia Ivan Starikov and withdrew from elections the mayor of the acting as the town governor Vladimir Znatkov nominated by the party in power. United Russia party members intend to challenge this decision. Elections will pass on April 6.


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