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Makeevsky "Oberig" again the first

Monday, 22 April 2013, 17:01

On April 13 in Donetsk took place the Open Championship of Ukraine across Hortingu . Makeyevka at competitions was presented by 5 pupils of Sports Club "Oberig".

"Champion Ukrainy" received the first place and a rank Victor Ostanin (9 years) in the category "Absolute Weight 55 +". Yaroslav Mishinu who carried out 1 difficult fight got the second place, silver, and final was with the rival on 10 кг.больше and is 2 years more senior.

Participants of competitions who absolutely slightly didn't have experience or good luck for a steel victory: Evgeny Tatarkin (12 years), Vladimir Nevmirich (7 years), Kirill Bredikhin (11 years).

- One champion of Ukraine and the silver prize-winner of the championship is a good result. All children good fellows, further "Oberig" will conquer new tops, - trainer Valentin Kretov commented.


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