The deputy of the State Duma looked at tournament on the mixed single combats
The lion's share of residents of Samara spent evening of the day off in circus. Only came to look not at animals and clowns, and at the most real fights. In Samara for the first time I passed the international tournament on the mixed single combats of MMA. Fighters from Armenia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Russia proved to be in all beauty in rating fights. By the way, fight of professionals not especially impressed the audience. The public quickened only when on a ring there were ordinary guys. Both came to action as photographers. They could make impression even on the vip-guest of evening "the Russian giant" or as it still call "Kolya Sledge hammer". He smiled, whistled, didn't go nearly from the VIP – boxes to a ring to support children.
- I sincerely for them rejoiced, - Valuyev explained the behavior of the deputy of the State Duma. - They are good fellows! You know, it isn't so simple to light public. And they managed to make that not always turns out at professionals!
Children very much fought. And not for nothing, after all the prize was – tickets for Vera Brezhneva's concert! Such it would be inexcusable to pass. And in not the most beautiful fight between the photographer and the photographer on points Sergey Kalinin won. By the way, it was necessary to his rival absolutely hardly.
- He very strong, - told Kalinin. – But, unfortunately, it by car "Fast" brought to hospital. It seems, it has a slight concussion. He complained of dizziness and nausea. It will treat. By the way, I too suffered a little. Hand I stretched.
As it is necessary, with pain and blood man's entertainments ended. By the way, according to organizers of tournament, it can become traditional for Samara. Everything will depend only on inhabitants. If residents of Samara want though every year to carry out will be.