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UFC 160

Tuesday, 14 May 2013, 13:59
UFC 160

Prelude to the third fight between Dzhunior DOS Santos and Keyn Velasquez

On an event of UFC 160 Keyn Velasquez will protect the title against Antonio Silva, and Dzhunior Dos Santos will meet Mark Hunt in an eliminator for title fight. In case Velasquez and DDS win the fights, their third duel can take place.
Keyn Velasquez — Antonio Silva
In the first fight Velasquez made that it usually and does — transferred the rival to orchestra seats and showed rigid граунд’н’паунд. But Silva nevertheless wasn't lucky a little, the section at an initial stage of a duel predetermined an issue of the combat. In a revenge of it can not occur.
Silva needs to act extremely carefully, to prevent тейкдауны Velasquez and to hold the champion on a distance direct strokes. About лоукики it is better to forget absolutely, after all such blow led to transfer to orchestra seats in their first fight. Silva should catch Velasquez at an inopportune moment and to punch an unexpected combination. As we know on the first meeting about DOS Santos, Velasquez head not the strongest, and blow at "Bigfuta" decent.
Velasquez especially anything also shouldn't change in comparison with the first fight. It needs to carry out тейкдаун and to beat Silva in orchestra seats. Even if the sechka this time won't be, it will be able to bring fight to the decision thus. Though it is a little probable that someone can sustain such beatings throughout five rounds.
Silva can count only on crazy blow, on it the forecast однозначный:Победа Velasquez a technical knockout in the fourth or fifth round.

Dzhunior Dos Santos — Mark Hunt
It will be the first meeting of these athletes. DOS Santos lost the last fight by the unanimous decision of judges and conceded a title of the champion to Velasquez. Mark Hunt opposite, came to UFC with a negative record, but won the last four fights, three of them a knockout, including the last against Stephane Struva.
Will win most likely against DOS Santos with huge advantage on points. Drawing of fight will be probably similar to a meeting Santos's DOS with Cervical Karvin. And if DDS puts pressure, псоле that as Hunt will exhaust, the technical knockout is possible also.
Reliable rates
According to my forecasts, Velasquez third duel and Santos's DOS to be! Today simply there are no best heavyweights, than these two. Bookmakers agree with it also, their coefficients speak about clear distribution of forces. The coefficient on Velasquez victory fluctuates from 1,10 to 1,15 while on Silva's victory it makes from five to 5,70. For a victory coefficients from 1,20 to 1,25, while for Hunt's victory 4,00 and more give Santos's DOS.

Author Vovan Zamorsky


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