Recently Central Sports Club of Army was 90 years old. CSKA is known for the successes in hockey, soccer and many other sports. Recently CSKA became also one of the most known clubs on free-style wrestling. It is frame of national team.
Names of pupils of CSKA -wrestlers Jahmala Otarsultanova, Denisa Tsargusha, Dzambolata Tedeeva, Hadzhimurata Magomedova , brothers Bogiyeva, Andrey Sementsova, brothers Gitinova, Hadzhimurata Gatsalova, Guzela Manyurova (the first girl prize-winner of Olympic Games) and many others are world renowned.
They are trained by the master of sports of the USSR, the deserved trainer of Russia, the chief Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling coach-chief of team of CSKA and VS of Russia Anatoly Hazbiyevich Margiyev. He more than 17 times admitted the best trainer of year of CSKA. He created the Russian school of wrestling of CSKA.
- CSKA is famous for the successes.
- Undoubtedly. I will give only some examples. During Olympic Games in Atlanta only our club won 23 gold medals. For comparison, in 2012 all national team won only 24 gold.
- Why such different indicators? With what it is connected?
- The success of 1996 is connected with that youth which was trained in Soviet period. Then there were 90th. This time of formation of new Russian Sports Club of Army. Certainly, as well as in any new business, problems were and at us. And it, undoubtedly, was reflected and in us. Well, also we will add here closing of two sports companies with being Minister of Defence Serdyukov. That without suspecting, it caused a big loss not only to army sports, but sports as a whole.
- How CSKA was succeeded to have hard times of the 90th and the beginnings of the 2000th years?
- In the 90th years it was very difficult. There were no means to pay even for utilities. The club management somehow managed to persuade housing and communal services not to disconnect heating, water, light. In general, I want to tell that all heads at different times made a lot of things in order that the great club didn't collapse. And today club professionals direct. One of them - the president of club of wrestling of CSKA Andrey Romanovich Siletsky, which on this post here 15 years. He is a businessman, the master of sports of the USSR on wrestling. The person who is respected huge respect both among trainers, and among athletes. Andrey Romanovich treats club as the loving father to the child. The invaluable help to club was rendered also by the former Minister of Defence Sergey Ivanov. To it we are still grateful both the trainer, and athletes. Arsene Fadzayev somehow asked me: "What it is necessary to do to provide normal training process? " On what I answered: "It is necessary to do nothing. Give to trainers a normal salary that they weren't engaged in business, and could support for the salary families".
- In Soviet period in army there were sports companies...
- They now revive, and in it a huge merit of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin, Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu, the minister of sports Mutko. It was our initiative - to revive sports companies. With it we addressed to the Minister of Defence and to the president of Russia, and found support.
To train the good athlete, it is necessary to find among one thousand children the best, then to be engaged in his preparation of years 8-10. Also imagine, we put in it all forces and means, and then it call up for military service and he ceases to train. All this affects its future. Now we achieved that the appeal went through the ministry of sports of the recommendation of our club. Very much it would be desirable that among recruits of a sports company there were pupils of children's schools of CSKA.
- How many the youth trains in CSKA and from what regions?
- To the people much, all sections are overflowed. Go because there is a result. The level of level of educational and training and educational process is lifted on very high step. In club all nationalities are presented.
- What school now is considered the strongest?
- The strongest school is CSKA. From old schools which prepared strong shots, there is a wish to allocate Krasnoyarsk Academy of wrestling led by Dmitry Mindiashvili. It would be desirable to remember the Voronezh club and Samara. From Caucasian on the first place Ossetia, then Dagestan, in Kabardino-Balkaria began to prepare very strong shots. Yakutia, Buryatia and Tuva has good indicators. And everywhere trainers are graduates of CSKA.
- Whether it is possible to compare youth of the 80th and present?
- The main problem is a problem of education. People lost many values: respect for seniors, respect for the woman. Very many children should be re-educated. Earlier our youth was famous for the good breeding, the obedience, the respect for seniors. Until recently with it it was more difficult, now everything began to be corrected again.
CSKA it isn't simple club, it as though sports academy. We give to the pupils the higher education. Many our clubmates work upon termination of sports career in business and at civil service. Among them there are generals, doctors, scientists. Many years head coaches practically on all sports are natives of CSKA school.
- You met Shoygu?
- Yes, when he was the governor of the Moscow region. This is the clever, intelligent and very interested head. Thanks to it!
Madina Shavlokhova talked