In Sports palace of a name of Ivan Yarygin championship of the country in free-style wrestling came to the end.
Carrying out large Russian competitions for Krasnoyarsk became already good tradition. According to the glorified trainer, the honourable president of Federation of wrestling of Russia and the head of Academy of wrestling Dmitry Mindiashvili, behind tradition there are years of the persistent work, which result — popularity of Krasnoyarsk in the wrestling world. On the eve of the anniversary and Academy anniversary in exclusive interview to the Internet newspaper he told that stands behind desire to exclude wrestling from the program of Olympic Games and why present rules made duels unattractive.
It is known that the cities get carrying out national championships not just like that. Why Krasnoyarsk is chosen?
Earlier to our city gave a hostile reception — Krasnoyarsk very far, such long distances, why here to go from Dagestan, Ossetia... But now we accustomed all, come not only from the Caucasus, but also from Africa. Earlier when we said that we will hold large tournaments here — it was, of course, for many in wonder. When I said that there will be the international tournament, I was taken for the adventurer, said that it will turn out nothing. Sceptics were, but was people who trusted in all this more, supported. Now anniversary year — 40 years to School of the highest sports skill, and now "Wrestling academies". And these competitions for us — a gift. More than 400 children arrived from all Russia, and it is very healthy. Youthful competitions are interesting — children try, try to do as much as possible receptions. These are adults fight measuredly, thoughtfully, and these directly go to attack.
And nevertheless recognition of Krasnoyarsk took place at the expense of what?
Results, certainly. Thanks to our Ivan Yarygin, light memory to it. It laid the first Olympic footpath, put a basis here, in Krasnoyarsk. Earlier after all as was? There was a talented athlete in the remote place, he was dragged at once to Moscow, Kiev, Minsk... And when Ivan only started winning, to him spoke: that you there in the Krasnoyarsk do, come to us! In Belarus the same Sascha Medved called him. Spoke — you there won't become the Olympic champion, but he managed to prove the return. And these traditions are now supported that very pleasant.
Someone is for certain dissatisfied with carrying out competitions at us?
There are such critics and. Pier, money only you spend. But you look — at us on superiority 40 people act. Unless, be competitions in other city, we could take out so many children? It after all huge money. And expenses it turns out more when we go somewhere than when we hold tournaments here. Is dissatisfied and regarding creation of the international center of preparation of FILA, ask — and what it gives us? Wrestling — is such sport in which the sparring is necessary. The more sparrings, the athlete quicker grows. It can't develop without sparrings. And now to us to the center there come wrestlers from all over the world — both Japanese, and Mongols, both Greeks, and Iranians now asked to be allowed. Besides, having such center, we can be sure that any our strong athlete won't go to Moscow, anywhere. Why, if all conditions here are created? Here, of course, thanks to our management and cities, and edges, to the sports ministry. It is sincere because governor Lev Vladimirovich (Kuznetsov) together with the minister went to Moscow to the minister of sports Mutko and agreed about that we opened the international center of wrestling. The governor — the person busy, but found time. It is extremely pleasant.
And there are no fears, what in the center you grow up visitors of competitors?
Such questions often ask. It isn't necessary to be afraid of rivals. Well, if it grows, and you that? On a place you stand, whether that? I know such athletes and trainers which as though the secrets hide. But same nonsense. I always showed all that I am able. And Vanya Yarygin showed everything to all and won. Feature of wrestling also consists in it — grow with the strong rival. It is necessary to look for the one who is better than you and raise with it. And if you disappear from it, it how to go in the area of the smallest resistance.
Everything always develops wavy. Wrestling in the region now on lifting or is some recession?
As a whole — on lifting. Both on indicators of skill and on mass character indicators. 25 thousand people in the region are engaged in wrestling. When I began the first occupations in Krasnoyarsk, on training there were two persons only. And I was one trainer. And already our 55 homebrew trainers became the deserved trainers of Russia. We do everything to develop wrestling in the region. In all areas and the cities we have schools, branches, sections. Any other sport, unfortunately can't brag of it. And we thanks to it have a good reserve. Our purpose — education of high-class athletes that they became idols for youth, propagandized mass sports. There are sceptics who say — well and what, what your Yarygin became the Olympic champion? Whether from it bread that became cheaper? Even such nonsenses ask. I in reply always say that the main thing — it that children were healthy, strong and protected the fatherland. And when children win medals on the Olympic Games, the World Cups and Europe, they after all give pleasure not only to us, but also all Krasnoyarsk citizens.
And that doesn't suffice to you?
The hall, certainly is necessary. What is now in "Academy" — we in it choke, the place doesn't suffice. We have after all five types of wrestling. The big multipurpose hall with the recovery centers, halls of judo, Greco-Roman wrestling, game types is necessary. Let's achieve it. I know that now it is discussed.
Wrestling want to exclude from the program of Olympic Games. Your relation to it is clear. But from where in general this idea undertook?
Even words aren't present. This news the whole world stirred up. Much all passed after that the statements, many Olympic champions came and handed over the medals. Even heads of states addressed in the UN with indignation. After all wrestling — is a national sport. Besides, Olympic Games began with three types — run, a throwing and wrestling. Wrestling exception — this exception of the principle of competitiveness in sports in general. There are two versions, from where in general the initiative undertook. The first — this bad interaction of the president of FILA with the International Olympic committee. The second — not staginess of wrestling. In it there is a truth shred. Present rules of wrestlings practically cut short wrestling. Here you look, Yarygin's final wrestling in Montreal with the American world champion... There such wrestling was that 35 thousand audience hooted as a huge swarm of bees. And the account there was 26:19! As in basketball! And now such rules that the judge practically wrestlings. It is necessary to understand that wrestling — it not show. It is very difficult and intense sport. Here heat of wrestling — it also is wrestling. And this initiative, of course, wrong, but it has to play the positive role, and rules have to change to return staginess. In September the decision will be made, and I don't doubt that wrestling leave. And we will go to Rio de Janeiro on Olympic Games (laughs).
Soon anniversary at "Academy" and at you. Any special tournaments will be dated for it?
Yes, the championship of Russia among adults will take place in Krasnoyarsk. It begins on June 13. Also we will celebrate 8:0 in my advantage (laughs). Though I at all don't feel how years flew by. There can't be to me 80 years, I don't understand these things while, but it is necessary to understand (laughs). Well, also I want to congratulate now all Krasnoyarsk citizens on spring holidays, on the Victory Day. And in advance all I invite to the championship of Russia in June.
Sergey Sannikov