On the which have passed recently in Taraz III Youth games on judo it was possible to meet experts from all regions of the country, including the state coach of RK on Yerzhan Bayzhumanov's judo. Below we give interview to it.
— All teams were well prepared, and from it quality of judo was high — Yerzhan Tokenovich speaks. — It is symbolical that these competitions took place in Taraz where there are excellent traditions and attention of a management to sports and judo development in particular. The first world champion in the history of the Kazakhstan judo among youth Eldos Smetov — the native of Zhambylsky area, is here much and other talented children. A lot of work is carried out by Manarbek Agaydarov — the president of Zhambylsky regional federation of judo.
— Who was remembered following the results of competitions?
— Meirlan Baymakhanbetov acting in weight to 60 kg, well held tournament. In weight to 81 kg Aziz Kalkamanula confirmed reputation of the strong judoist. As a whole, surprises special weren't, those who appeared on a pedestal, deserved it.
The III Youth games RK — it is complex competitions, fight for a high place in a team competition goes the fierce. Refereeing in judo, as we know, since the beginning of this year underwent changes and to our arbitrators, of course, it wasn't easy to adapt for innovations at once. Nevertheless, following the results of Youth games of big complaints in their party isn't present so judges fulfilled honestly and objectively.
— What following the results of competitions the first command place was taken by kyzylordinsky judoists, on the second place zhambylsky athletes, and on the third representatives of VKO, naturally settled down?
I think so. In these areas rich traditions and on all starts their representatives fight for high places.
— How estimate speech of athletes from the capital?
— In Astana the perspective youth grows up. Zhaksylyk Musurman, Meirlan Baymakhanbetov, Dauren Aldynazarov, Aygerim Abilkadirova, become champions — all of them already have a certain experience, including the international. Capital judoists also made a speech at last Youth games adequately and appeared following the results of Games in the leading three.
— Whether the number of judoists in national championships grows from year to year?
— Certainly. Every year the number of engaged judo of people promptly grows in Kazakhstan. In our country pass many competitions of various level. Even in the regional centers youthful and adult tournaments both republican, and the international scale are held. With arrival to the Kazakhstan judo Beketa Makhmutova our sport got strong support and made improbable break in the development.
— How you estimate performance of a national team of Kazakhstan on the international starts?
— Now only the new Olympic cycle began, to demand children of momentary result have no sense. In the International calendar of judo there are a lot of tournaments, practically from each of them the Kazakhstan judoists come back with awards. If to speak about the championship of Asia passed in Thailand, the result in the form of five bronze medals was good in respect of the won awards and unsatisfactory in respect of lack of a gold medal.