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Aleksandr Karelin: Viktor Ahn – ours! Also don't beat itself ears on cheeks

Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 10:01
Aleksandr Karelin: Viktor Ahn – ours! Also don't beat itself ears on cheeks

I met San Sanycha on a final on hockey: Canada – Sweden. Certainly, when the great wrestler Karelin looked for the ticket for this game, dreamed to see Russian national team. I didn't see. But I stopped all my attempts even to become sad on this subject.


Annoying Sidney Crosby already scored the first goal at the Olympic Games in Sochi, having escaped fast feet from the Swedish grenadiers of protection. Fans in "Big" rustled, raising flags. But already turned around back – there where on a tribune the large man grew up.

Mighty Aleksandr Karelin left in pass, and it was stuck round right there by people. All asked the photo.

– The cap for you is basic? – tenderly San Sanych addressed to the admirers. – Then give without it we will act. And you, the girl, what aside modestly stand? Well and as I will refuse to you? And with pleasure I will embrace you, let's be located together in a shot.

Legendary person. Seoul-1988, Barcelona-1992, Atlanta-1996 still remember heat of his enormous palms with which Karelin took gold medals. Now a sin not to ask questions of Sochi.


– With the Victory Day you!

– First, with Day of creation of the Russian army, – Karelin instructively corrected me. – And the second history – that our country won a medal count. Also it is a victory.

To our marathoners skiers separate thanks for emotions. To each of bobsledders in the four too. Children made a decisive contribution to that concentration of efforts which all of us made. All country – builders, inhabitants of Sochi with their expectations, volunteers … All.

– Before the Olympic Games nobody believed that we even will enter the three. How there was this miracle?

– It is possible to announce, it is possible to predict. But the main thing – not forecasts, and achievements. Our children gathered! And I all two weeks of the Olympic Games told one simple story: we will win in those disciplines which for us nonconventional, – we will take also offset. It will occur not at the expense of favourites, and those children who will be able to ride out excitement and to neglect stereotypes. At us and it happened.

– You can tell, what these Games – the best in the history?

– I for the first time arrived on the Winter Olympic Games. And for me it in general opening! How it is possible to hold such grandiose competition among subtropics?

Black warm sea. Mountain part. All objects on an outstretched arm, since the Olympic village. I talked to many children-sportsman. And they say that such never was! Here with such swing, ambition, good immodesty it is made, cut strong out and all right it is sewed.

Also our children win. In bobsled, in short track … Yes, Viktor Ahn. But there are three more Russian guys who in relay didn't bring. Didn't carry by, didn't squander a situation, maintained speed and all the rest, including strategy.

And you saw, what occurred in mountain part? What will to win at marathoners! It in Russian. And it is correct that it occurred on the Defender of the Fatherland Day.


– And what do you think of naturalization? The Korean Viktor Ahn, American Vick Wilde play for Russia, win for us gold. And the public accepts them very warmly.

– Listen to me. Us reproach that Russia too orthodox country that we too hardened. Today we applied tactics of other powers.

Because when from us take away figure skating coachs whom dissolve in the country, assimilate and then tell us about the progress, – for some reason we here don't try to beat ourselves ears on cheeks. Or, for example, Valera Lyukin – our Soviet gymnast, the winner of the Olympic Games from our national team. And his daughter supports States and wins gold medals.

Americans are proud of it. And we try to be over-modest. It is wrong. Wanted to receive Russia clear for the whole world, – receive!

– Everything is tremendous at these Olympic Games. Except one – hockey players disappointed …

– Give so: concerning disappointments those who made it will advise. I am ready to praise. And to be engaged in self-humiliation – not to me. Address to those who loves decadence. And to those who tries to cut itself(himself), declaring that before the Olympic Games we had no chances of a victory.

– It is necessary even to look for a positive in a failure of hockey players?

–  Incorrect statement of a question.  It is necessary to aspire to being the winner.  In it we have an obvious distinction.

Author: Pavel Lysenkov


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