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To the known wrestlerr of Tuva Andrey Hertek the honorary title "Chaan moge Republics of Tyva"

Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 12:10
To the known wrestlerr of Tuva Andrey Hertek the honorary title

The decree of the Head of Tuva Sholbana Kara-oola for numerous sports victories and merits in development of national fight Khuresh

Honorary title "Chaan moge Republics of Tyva" it is appropriated to Andrey Hertek, the national sports coach-teacher of Republican child junior sports school. Rank "Chaan can (Elephant)" - the second for the importance in sports hierarchy of the Tuva fighters-hureshistov. Honorary titles – "Elephant", "Lion" or "Falcon" since 2009 are appropriated in Tuva by the Decree of the head of the republic. The tradition of assignment of honorary titles and titles to the best-known fighters existed in the Tuva people since ancient times. In the years of existence of the Tuva National Republic (1921 - 1944) the national tradition gained official recognition and was legalized. In Soviet period the tradition was forgotten and again Sholbana Kara-oola revived in 2009 at the initiative of the head of the republic.

To ancient ranks for victories in the Tuva national wresrling khuresh in Tuva since 2011 one more was added: for further promoting and development of national sports of year the head of the republic Sholban Kara-ool signed on March 31, 2011 corresponding changes in the regional law "About the State Awards". On new edition of the law, for outstanding successes in wresrling khuresh the honorary title "Is founded by Kuchuten can (Giant)", appropriated to the fivefold winner of the absolute championships of Tuva during Naadym provided that not less than 128 wrestlers participated in each tournament. The breastplate and the certificate signed by the head of the republic is handed over to the owner of a rank.

Only in the republic the rank carrier "Kuchuten moge" is while the 17-times winner of wrestling tournaments at Naadyma Ayas Mongush.

According to the Provision on assignment of the highest sports ranks in national wresrling khuresh this rank the athletes who three times have won absolute superiority of the republic, annually carried out in days receive Naadym – a holiday of the Tuva cattle breeders, on condition of participation in tournament not less than 128 wrestlers. Rank "Chaan moge" it can be appropriated and for two victories if before the wrestler became the vice-champion of absolute superiority twice. For today Andrey Hertek – the only carrier of this honourable title.

In addition, the athlete can be awarded ranks "By Arzylan moge (Lion)" and "Nachyn moge(Falcon)".

For receiving a rank "Arzylan moge" the athlete there has to be at least once the first at competitions in days Naadyma or three times take on them the second place. To a rank "Nachyn moge" the wrestler who has borrowed second – the fourth places or twice taking places from the fifth on the eighth among 128 participants can be presented.


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