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"Kazakhstan Barysy" continues to play permits in the ending

Monday, 06 May 2013, 08:48

Already 6 areas defined the applicants for the right to possess the most prestigious title of the country "Kazakhstan Barysy".

Finished selection of 4 more areas. Astana and Zhambylsky area will define names of the best палуанов tomorrow, on May 5.
The last year's finalist "Kazakhstan Barysy" which represented the Pavlodar region – protected today the title once again. The skilled fighter Darhan "Asau" Zholamanov (1986, the weight of 96 kg, height of 179 cm) once again became the best in the region, and now it with Samir "Elbrus" Mamedov (1988, the weight of 103 kg, height of 181 cm), will represent the Pavlodar region on republican tournament.
Samir Mamedov, finalist "azastan Barysa":
Nurlana "To Kaksha arlany" Zhamalovutakzhe was succeeded to protect the title of the strongest akmolinsky палуана. 20-year-old Aytuar "Burabayda ң сабалағы" Abdulov became his workmate in "the permit for two" to Astana.
- Already the third time I became the title holder, I justified first of all hopes of a svoyegotrener. All this just like that isn't given. Fight was the strongest. To Naturnira "Kazakhstan Barysy" I will try to become the winner and to bring "Taytyaқ" into area, - told " Kksha arlany".
- I know all who passed on republican tournament. Fought with them repeatedly. Now we will meet on a capital carpet, - Nazar "Barys" of Sultans commented on the victory southern Kazakhstan палуан.
Nazar Sultanov became an owner not only the new car but while keeps in the first line of the heaviest finalist "Kazakhstan Barysy". Let's remind that weight палуана makes 156 kg that is 18 kg more than a last year's indicator (Beyb_t Ystybayev weighed 138 kg). 19-year-old Samat of "Sean" of Esen became the second lucky who will go to Astana on the tournament ending on June 30 in "Saryark's" republican bicycle track.
- Anything terrible that I became the second. The main thing that I in the ending, and already there will move above, - Samat Esen, the finalist "azastan Barysa" surely declared.
20-year-old Sungat Zakariyev became the author of sensation in Atyrausky area, having won against the skilled opponent – Kayrat Otegen who was heavier than it on 30 kg:
- I already met the rival and won against him, - there began the winner. Today I did it once again. Very much I hope that I will justify hopes of those who believes in me on republican tournament. In total in Allah's hands. Preparation, of course, should be strengthened. It is necessary to prepare still fully, - Sungat added.
And this year the title of the National hero really will get to the strongest, and fights promise to be the most spectacular. 
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Development fund kazak kuresi "Kazakhstan Barysy"

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