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The Georgian freestyler won the Yakut wrestling hapsagay

Sunday, 06 October 2013, 15:36
The Georgian freestyler won the Yakut wrestling hapsagay

Taking place in the days off in Yakutsk Dmitry Korkin's VI Memorial by tradition came to the end with tournament on hapsagay in which the victory was celebrated by the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games in London David Modzmanishvili.

The desire to compete in the Yakut national wrestling expressed record number of wrestlers – 30. Restrictions in weight weren't, and to a carpet there were wrestlers of all categories, behind an exception unless "mukhachy". The case when the athlete speaking at tournament in weight to 74 kg, consulted with " heavyweight" was recorded. But generally certainly, a superiority wrestlers of the heaviest category achieved.

Rules the hapsagay are simple and simple: for achievement of a victory it is necessary to force the rival to concern a carpet the third point or to push out it for a carpet three times.

Strongest in hapsagay there was Georgian heavyweight David Modzmanishvili who took priority a day earlier in competition of wrestlers. For a victory it awarded in 2 thousand dollars, and taken respectively second and third places drill Baldan Tsyzhipov and Mongol Mansaykhan Nyagmarsuren received as a prize the Yakut brilliants.

The Georgian wrestler inspired by success in the Yakut wrestling expressed desire to act on coming in November in Germany the World Cup in traditional styles of wrestling in which program it is included and hapsagay.



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