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In these days off the attention of the whole world except Europe was riveted on the continental championships which took place in Asia, Africa and Panamerika. Probably, it would be inexpedient to tell about everything therefore let's note the most interesting moments of three tournaments.
Championship of Asia: surprises on start, surprise on the finish.
Only having seen grids of competitions in Thailand, many were surprised. Those who watches our news, I think were surprised a little less, but nevertheless were surprised. Top judoists of Moldova really ran away from the country and changed nationality of Moldova for the United Arab Emirates. And here Tom, Remarenko and Skvortov's which were earlier sounding in the European championships the surnames, sounded for the first time in the championship of Asia.
Unexpectedly the destiny in - 100 kg where little-known Iranian Javad Makhdzhub rose by the first place disposed. In category - 73kg too hardly someone could foresee an outcome: one of the best-known and titled wrestlers of the present - the representative of South Korea Vang Ki-Chun - took only the third place. The answer to this question - 22years old the representative of North Korea Cook Hong Hong who has passed of both favourites on a way to a gold medal.
In an all-team competition the first place at ancestors of the judo, the second - at South Korea and the third - at Mongolia.
Championship of Africa: new names and development fruits.
It should be noted that in the championship of Africa fans of judo could see many acquaintances from mezhdnarodny competitions of surnames. However is even more interesting that these familiar dzdoist not always оказывалсиь on the first lines of the table. So, for example, the representative of Ghana Emmanuel Nartya remained only with the third place, having conceded to the South African fighter. The ex-prize-winner of the world Islam El Shekhabi in superheavy weight category lost in a semi-final to Tunisian Faytsel Dzhaballakh. Gran Pri in Samsun Mohammed Darvish in - 90 kg didn't manage to reach a gold medal: they were stopped besides by little-known Egyptian Hatem Abdelakher.
The palm in this championship surely was taken by Tunisians: they have 7 gold medals. On the second place - Morocco, on the third - Egypt.
Panamerika's championship: stability from masters.
On contrast with other continents, the Union of Two America was allocated with almost zero degree of surprises: here masters only confirmed the high class. Among winners it was possible to see such names as Raphael Silva, Renan Nunesh, Felipe Kitadai, Nicolas Delpopolo. Especially interesting wrestling was in categories-81 and-90: in - 81 kg Victor Penalber became the winner, having won in the ending of bronze prize-winner Games-2012 in London Canadian Antoine Valois-Fortye. The third place was taken too by very known American Travis Stevens. In - 90кг in the ending faced the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games 2012 Ashley Gonzalez from Cuba and the most experienced Tiago Camilo from Brazil. However experience didn't help to overcome the young Cuban, and he once again became champion Panameriki, without having allowed one more gold medal to go to Brazil.
So, the championships of other continents took place, and we know again for whom it is worth looking on the world scene in the future, but meanwhile all attention has to be riveted on the capital of Hungary - to Budapest, after all exactly there on April 25 starts the championship of Europe in which our national team will wrestling also!