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It is authorized to three Moldavian judoists to play for the United Arab Emirates

Thursday, 25 April 2013, 10:06
It is authorized to three Moldavian judoists to play for the United Arab Emirates

It is authorized to such athletes as Sergey Tom, Victor Skvortsov and Ivan Remarenko to act as national federation of judo for other country. Statements belong to the president of the International federation Marius Vizeru.

The president of the International federation of judo Marius Vizer told in interview to Publika TV TV channel what exactly allowed the Moldavian athletes to present to the United Arab Emirates.
"The Moldavian Federation agreed to release athletes, on how many I know. The decision was made at the international level in the Moldavian federation where they and agreed to release athletes. In judo there are laws and until then while I will be the president of the European federation of this sport, all rules" will be observed, the president of the International federation of judo Marius Vizer told.
On the other hand, the National president of Federation of judo Vyacheslav Manolaki claims that athletes could leave the country and without the permission of federation.
"According to rules of the International Federation on judo if the athlete played for the country in the Olympic category, he can act further where he wants. Shouldn't pass year or three years" - the president of federation of judo of RM, Vyacheslav Manolaki told.
According to article 13.3.1 of the International federation of judo, the athlete can play for other country only with the permission of federation. If the federation doesn't allow it it, the judoist can represent other country, only in three years from the moment of the last acceptance of participation in competitions under the auspices of the International federation of judo and Olympic Games, reports Publika TV.


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