On April 28 in the Chita sports complex "Bagulnik" interregional tournament on the judo, devoted to memory of the master of sports of Russia of Vyacheslav Skokov came to the end. Following the results of the competitions, three gold medals were won by pupils of regional GOUDOD SDYUSSHOR.
As reported "Zabmedia. Ру" at sport school, in competitions 104 participants from the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk, Amur areas and Transbaikalia acted. Young athletes revealed the strongest in age groups among young men of 1997-1999 year of birth and juniors 1995-1996.
- Pupils of SDYuSShOR Mikhail Vinokurov and Ivan Mishkileev, taking priority in categories to 60 and 66 kilograms respectively became champions in dispute among young men. Nikita Ivkin became the winner of junior tournament in weight over 73 kilograms, - told at sport school.
Let's note that all three athletes are pupils of trainer Kayrat Kaldybayev.