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Men's team with bronze from championship of Europe!

Monday, 29 April 2013, 10:10
Men's team with bronze from championship of Europe!

On Sunday in Budapest passed a team championship of Europe on judo. Spectacular competitions "a wall on a wall" brought to the man's national team of Ukraine the next set of awards.

Let's remind that in the last five years our team steadily keeps in a cohort of the best national teams of the Old World – in the 2011th Ukrainian judoists won a title of Champions of Europe, and in all other years finished tournaments with bronze medals.

Following the results of a team championship of Europe of 2013 Georgy Zantaraya and Gevorg Gevorgyan (66 kg), Sergey Drebot (73 kg), Vitaly Dudchik and Vitaly Popovic (81 kg), Kedzhau Nyabali and Stanislav Retinsky (90 kg), Artem Bloshenko and Dmitry Luchin (+90 kg), and also the instructor of the man's national team Vitaly Dubrova became owners of bronze.

From defeat of Austria 5-0 the men's team on continental superiority started. The duels purely won George Zantaraya, Vitaly Dudchik, Kedzhau Nyabali and Artem Bloshenko, an assessment "vase-ari" the victory was won by Sergey Drebot.

I didn't begin to change victorious structure Vitaly Dubrova and for the following quarterfinal duel against Germany. Our children passed "Bundesteam" with the score 3-2, ahead of schedule "ippons" finished fights George Zantaraya, Sergey Drebot and Kedzhau Nyabali.

In a semi-final Ukraine was resisted by vice-champions of last year's European command superiority and acting World champions Russians. In this duel to a tatami came Gevorg Gevorgyan, Sergey Drebot, Vitaly Dudchik, Stanislav Retinsky and Dmitry Luchin. But, unfortunately, any couldn't pull out a victory at the opponents. Ukraine conceded to the strongest team of the Planet in dry 0-5 and acquired the right to be overcome for bronze. There owners of a tatami Hungarians became rivals of our judoists.

With Hungary our national team began a duel with George Zantaraya and Sergey Drebota's sure flawless victories. The fighting spirit was shown by Vitaly Dudchik, however as a result didn't support an initiative of the colleagues. In one and a half minutes prior to the end of dynamic fight it passed a throw on "vase-ari" from László Chshoknai. Left after Dudchik on a tatami the World champion among juniors, the debutant of the adult European championship Kedzhau Nyabali earned "yukо", and half-minute later and "ippon". The account became 3-1 in favor of Ukraine that actually made our team the owner of bronze awards. Nothing the decisive duel in the weight of +90 kg, nevertheless, became bright completion of opposition with Hungary. Young Ukrainian judoist Dmitry Luchin carried out a pure throw, as they say, not long thought, namely on the ninth second of fight! As a result a victory of the national team of Ukraine with the score 4-1.

Among men Germany which left Holland on the fifth place got the second set of bronze awards of a team championship of Europe. And gold, as well as last year, will go to Georgia. In the ending Georgians won with the score 4-1 against Russia.

The female national team of Ukraine carried out in a team championship of Europe only one, but a bright duel. In a fighting starting match of tournament the victory at our little girls was pulled out by Slovenia with the score 3-2. In a line-up of Vyacheslav Pilipenko ahead of schedule finished Alexander Starkov's fights (52 kg) and Louise Gaynutdinova (70 kg). Shushana Gevondyan (57 kg) and Svetlana Chepurina (63 kg) conceded in persistent fight. The decisive meeting in the weight of +70 kg of leaders of the teams, the acting Champion of Europe, a bronze prizerka of Olympic Games Lyusizhi Polavder and a bronze prizerka of present continental superiority of Irina Kindzerskoy came to the end with a victory of more eminent Polavder. On an outcome of five-minute that won deduction. This defeat left Ukraine on the ninth place, and Slovenia reached a "bronze" meeting where conceded to Russia 2-3.

At women Germany got the second set of bronze awards. And in the ending Holland was stronger than France.

In total in man's team tournament of the championship of Europe 15 teams, and in the female-9 fought.

Let's remind that from April 25 to April 27 on a tatami of the Hungarian capital I passed the individual judo European championship. Its last day bronze to Ukraine was brought in the weight of +78 kg by Irina Kindzerskaya.


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