Triumph of the national team of Buryatia on judo on the I All-Russian Sports contest "Special Olympics" on summer sports
On April 23-24, 2013 to St. Petersburg the I All-Russian Sports contest "Special Olympics" on summer sports where the national team of the Republic of Buryatia on judo in an age category till 15 years won 8 medals took place: 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.
Competitions on this sport took place St. Petersburg in a gym of SDYuSShOR No. 1.
The debut Sports contest "Special Olympics" accepted more than 750 participants from 30 regions of the Russian Federation.
The list of winners and the prize-winners representing combined RB:
Karbin Leonid – 2 gold medals;
Lubsanov Bulat – 1 gold and 1 bronze medals;
Bondarev Vladimir – 2 silver medals;
Dashinimayev Erdeni (The most young participant, 9 years. It is worth noticing that Erdeni acted in an age category till 15 years) – 1 bronze medal.