As the conflict beginning between the minister of youth and sports and the president of federation of judo unauthorized departure from Moldova six judoists served, and in the last broadcast "Public Arena" of the party passed to personal charges
Today Manolaki called Tsyku the coward, the minister in reply declared, what even doesn't wish to see the opponent.
"You started speaking about experts in the field of methodology. Your higher education institution has to be engaged in it just. At you it is impossible to prepare experts in the field of sports. I go on clubs - there is no youth which would represent new generation", - declared to Tsyku.
In reply to Manolaka's charges I called meeting of higher education institution and I invited to it the minister. Tsyku however wasn't, just at this time he participated in government meeting, reports Publika TV.
"I consider him as the coward! He was frightened! If he knew of government meeting, he could tell us that will be able to come to other time. And it didn't give any answer", - marked out Manolaki.
"I won't go to one establishment in which there will be this person. It got to a pity situation. It is covered with educational institution and to teachers to decline all responsibility for actions as the president of federation of judo", - speaks Tsyku.
The conflict between Tsyku and Manolaki began after mysterious departure of six judoists from Moldova.