Воспитанники Семена Наумовича долго не отпускали своего тренера, что немного задержало открытие турнира
On April 4, in sport center of the Zaporozhye national university I passed the 34th All-Ukrainian tournament on judo among the juniors, devoted to the Victory Day, and as in honor of the founder of judo and sambo in the Zaporozhye area, the Deserved trainer of the USSR, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Simeon Naumovich Tsibulskogo.
At competitions there was also a hero of the occasion — Semen Naumovich Tsibulsky. The legendary instructor who constantly lives in Israel arrived in the 89 years to Zaporozhye for participation in carrying out tournament.
The deserved trainer of Ukraine, the chief judge of these competitions - Leonid Efimovich Tsibulsky – Simeon Naumovich's nephew was engaged in the organization of tournament.
At solemn opening of tournament there was Zaporozhye mayor Alexander Cyn, our companion Valery Zotov and the adviser of the president, the chairman of the Zaporozhye federation of judo Alexander Nefedov who transferred to Simeon Naumovich hours from Victor Yanukovych, and from himself personally, presented a photo album with photos (the author of a photo album - known Zaporozhye press photographer Vasily Bichenko) last tournaments.
In competitions the best athletes from all Ukraine took part.
Reference: Semen Naumovich Tsibulsky during the Second World War served as the scout, reached Budapest. After a victory it was sent to militia school, worked in Russia then returned to Zaporozhye.
During the work in the Zaporozhye municipal government of militia, created Komsomol operational group which became known all over the country — wards Tsibulsky struggled with hooligans, pickpockets, were engaged in law and order support.
For the purpose of improvement of a physical form of militiamen Semen Naumovich organized the Zaporozhye's first section of sambo. At first, in it militiamen trained only, later one more section appeared at institute. So in our city sambo development, and later and judo began.