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To the Samara judoists will help

Wednesday, 08 May 2013, 09:16
To the Samara judoists will help
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From the budget of the Samara region this year 12 million rubles will be allocated for needs of regional federation of judo.

In the 2012th sum was three times less. And in order that all planned actions took place, athletes need three times more, 30 million. Where it isn't enough budgetary financing, sponsors are necessary. To find wishing to help development of provincial judo the board of trustees of regional federation will help. It was headed by the advisor to director general of Rostekh state corporation, the head of the Samara regional office of the Union of mechanicians of Russia Vladimir Avetisyan. In April passed the first organizational meeting of council. It became clear that money doesn't suffice not only on competitions. Representatives regional минспорта recognized - the help won't refuse.
Lydia Rogozhinskaya acting the deputy minister of sports of the Samara region:
- Support in compensation of athletes of the highest level, participants of Olympic Games, validly, is insufficient. Therefore I would like that the board of trustees made any decision on material stimulation of athletes and trainers.
Dmitry Novikov, the deputy chief of national teams of Russia on judo:
- From Samara always there was a participant of the Olympic Games on judo. Therefore to seek to eat to what especially as in Volga federal district there is only one center of preparation of the Olympic reserve - in Orenburg. Geographically the district very big, also is to what to aspire.
The center of preparation of the Olympic reserve for judo can appear and in Samara. But the corresponding infrastructure is for this purpose necessary. For example, the Palace of single combats which are going to construct in the capital of the 63rd region. Members of the board of trustees already estimated some platforms. It isn't excluded that the complex will be under construction on bases of the private and state partnership.
Vladimir Avetisyan, head of the board of trustees:
- The common decision of the board of trustees we will create Fund of support of federation of judo of the Samara region.
Dmitry Azarov, head of the lake Samara:
- I want to greet that undertaking which the board of trustees sets. I count that structures of this sort will appear and in support of other sports. And judo as collected such representative structure of the board of trustees, will be an example for other sports federations.
The following meeting of the board of trustees of regional federation of judo will take place in May. As soon as council will decide on concrete plans and figures, in its work promised to take part the governor of the Samara region Nikolay Merkushkin.


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