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"Elnur Mamedli – a symbol of popularity of judo in Azerbaijan"

Saturday, 11 May 2013, 14:33

The international Federation of judo (IJF) started in Azerbaijan the development project. On carrying out "Grand Slam" in Baku activity of the organization wasn't limited

Representatives of IJF left to regions where carried out master classes in Ismayylly and Gabal then returned to the capital where continued trainings with young athletes. Following the results of visit to Azerbaijan the site IJF published article about seen, transfers azerisport.com.
"In the country of judo rich with oil develops prompt rates. Baku passed a way from the city which accepted the World Cup, to a venue of the most prestigious starts, including "World Masters" and the Grand Prix. In the next four years Azerbaijan will organize tournament of "Grand Slam" and it is clear that on national federation essential loading drops out. To estimate judo potential on places, IJF decided to go in a row regions of the country and to study the provision of current affairs
Last year IJF already visited Baku on a visit, having made the reporting on preparation for the Olympic Games in London Elnur Mamedli's who has won Games-2008 in Beijing Azerbaijani idol. Mamedli follows an example younger generation which wants to achieve the same successes as it.
This time IJF began the regional visit with Ismayylla, having visited the Olympic center where in due time Mamedli prepared for the Olympic Games. Here the Media director of IJF Nicolas Messner held a trainer's seminar with participation of thirty two young judoists of various age. Upon completion of a course the judo coach Akper Shafagatov working in Ismayylly, noticed that sports develop discipline at children. Thus he added that it isn't so simple to involve in occupations of judo of girls owing to specifics, but also in this question there are motions. "Our new center of judo develops and it can't but please", - Shafagatov noticed.
Then representatives of IJF visited Gabala where carried out training with forty young athletes and six trainers. A row from them made a speech at "Grand Slam" tournament in Baku, having got the first international experience. The seminar turned into an excellent show-window of demonstration of skill and the beauty, each judoist showed magnificent equipment and was full of passion to the Olympic sport. "We work with you and for you, we assist in development and judo distribution through your country. At you is great the trainer – respect the teachers and they will treat also and you", - Messner emphasized.
In the conclusion members of IJF visited Baku, having estimated sections of judo and the potential of athletes. In one of suburbs of Baku the big poster with the image of national hero Elnur Mamedli is located. It speaks once again about popularity of judo in the country. IJF c impatience wait for return to Azerbaijan to continue work on judo development in the country and to participate in "Grand Slam"


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