The Azerbaijani judoists increased the representation on the "World Masters" tournament which will take place this weekend in Tyumen
The company to Nidzhat Shikhalizada (66 kg), Rustam Orudzhev (73 kg), Shain Gekhramanova (90 kg), Elkhan Mamedov and Elmar Gasymova (both 100 kg), got to sixteen the best on a rating, in Siberia will be made also Ilgar Mushkiyev (60 kg) with Tarlan Kerimov (66 kg), by the received corresponding invitations. Thus, the line-up could be even more impressive, however the national Federation rejected inquiry of organizers concerning participation on Kifayat Gasymova's prestigious start (57 kg).
As transfers, thus, on "World Masters" the team of Azerbaijan will be presented by seven athletes. However the federation position concerning K.Gasymova causes bewilderment, considering prestigiousness of start and number of rating points which there are played. Yes, in recent years Kifayat lost stability, however it not an occasion to refuse to it chance to prove in Tyumen. Especially as in last Olympic cycle she too didn't shine in the beginning, but then won "Grand Slam" bronze in Tokyo then became the first on the Grand Prix of Baku and as a result won the Olympic license. Here and now "World Masters" could become for it fine chance to check itself and, it is possible, pleasant to surprise experts. Especially against the bronze medal got on "Grand Slam" in Baku where the sportswoman proved that early to write-off it. And after all the victory on start in Tyumen is estimated at 700 points that is for participants fine incentive for a prize.
The most sad that opportunity to change a situation already isn't present. Here it is necessary to explain specifics of the invitation to the World Masters tournament. If some athletes being in number sixteen best, refuse arrival on tournament, their places are taken by the athletes being in tables of ranks is lower. Such situation happened to I.Mushkiyev, T.Kerimov and K.Gasymova but if in the first two cases the Federation used the formed vacancy, Kifayat decided not to send to Tyumen. And the right there to go passed to other judoist on a rating.
This step can have consequences, as judoists of world level at us each and all. Them treat K.Gasymova and Ramil Yusubova (63 kg) which won World Cup bronze, and Kifayat won the medals "on Europe" three times. But if so goes further, female judo at us will simply die. And from it competitors win only.