The ministry suspended disqualification of federation of judo with the requirement of resignation of Vyacheslav Manolaki
The youth and sports ministry temporarily suspended disqualification of federation of judo. The main sports department of the country demanded from the incumbent president of federation Vyacheslav Manolaki to resign within the next two months. Head of the Moldavian judo in turn, isn't going to leave the post.
In April the ministry of youth and sports deprived federation of judo of financing for scandalous transition of six athletes to the national team of the United Arab Emirates. Promised to remove disqualification only after resignation of present president Vyacheslav Manolaki, but, without having waited it, minsport temporarily suspended sanctions.
"Disqualification of federation of judo is suspended for the period of carrying out the World University games which starts on July 4. On University games 3 judoists" will act - Octavian Tsyku, the minister of youth and sports declared.
Having suspended disqualification, the ministry of youth and sports didn't refuse to demand resignation of the president of federation of judo. On change of a management two months - till July 17 are taken away, reports TV7 TV channel.
"We will have no judo so much, how many Manolaki will be the president of federation. Is worse, than can't already be. But there will be yet no change of a management of federation and while I will be a minister, the ministry won't cooperate with judo federation. I at all don't exclude creation of alternative federation of judo" - Octavian Tsyku, the minister of youth and sports declared.
The incumbent president of federation of judo Vyacheslav Manolaki whom the youth and sports ministry openly accused of sale of six athletes, refuses to resign.
"Let they will make that made Manolaki for this country then we will talk about resignation. I won't resign from a position of the rector of University of physical culture and sports, from a position президнта federations. For me delegates of federation and University voted. " - Vyacheslav Manolaki, the rector of national university of physical culture and RM sports, the president of federation of judo of RM declared in turn.
The Internet television of reminds that at the beginning of this week one more scandal in which Vyacheslav Manolaki appears began.
At the beginning of this week group of the former teachers of sports HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION submitted 5 doctoral dissertations which, according to teachers, were copied by the research supervisor of works Vyacheslav Manolaki.
In reply Vyacheslav Manolaki who was the research supervisor of all works, declared that doesn't bear for it any responsibility.