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The "Black Sea" invites to Odessa

Monday, 22 April 2013, 16:51
Легендарный Артур Таймазов на пьедестале прошлогоднего турнира

On May 1 in Odessa starts the international tournament "Black Sea"

Here nearly forty years every year the strongest wrestlers of a planet that in honest wrestling to find out gather in the seaside city who stronger. Already traditionally for domestic collections, tournament became one of selection stages on the World Cup. For other Ukrainian wrestlers the "Black Sea" becomes excellent rehearsal, before the championship of Ukraine which exactly in two months (on July 1) will take place in Odessa.

"In the 1975th year me appointed the senior trainer of Odessa region.    –    one of founding fathers of present tournament Vikenti Yukhnevich remembers.    -    And we came to committee on physical culture and sport of the USSR with the petition for carrying out all-Union tournament at us in Odessa.    The management supported this idea.  

Tournament very powerfully started, there was very strong structure. Tournament of memory of marshal Malinovsky quickly became one of five largest allied tournaments. Considering, that our seaside city of Odessa, such interesting – here gathered from all cities of the USSR. On the average was on 250 participants, and fought then in ten weight categories."

"I on it acted in due time, as well as the president of federation of free-style wrestling of Odessa region Beslan Tushtarov. – known trainer Ignat Grek speaks - In the late eighties for all known reasons there was a two-year break. But already in the 1990th tournament revived under the name "Black Sea". Part in tournament was taken also by Olympic champions - Elbrus Tedeev, Irina Merleni, the Georgian wrestler, the prize-winner of the Olympic Games, double world champion Eldar Kurtanidze …"

The president of Association of wrestling of Ukraine Elbrus Tedeev with special warmth treats the Odessa tournament and applied many forces that every year tournament came to more serious level. So, last year the Black Sea competitions at last were brought in are official FILA calendar.

"Odessa for me the special city.  On this tournament my way in adult wrestling began.  I judge on myself:  very useful tournament, especially for youth.

Thanks to the successful site, favorable climate tournament got popularity not only among the Ukrainian wrestlers.

We very powerfully increase tournament level, number of high quality participants.  To us always there came all strongest athletes of the world.  We dilute our strongest wrestlers, the European guests and respectively adjust our children absolutely another, they are more responsibly adjusted on wrestling.

The Odessa tournament is already enough popular in the wrestling world. About it tells structure of participants. If to speak in planetary scale, this time not far off. I see with what eagerness Beslan Tushtarov to treat the tournament organization."

This year the strongest teams will gather in the Odessa sports palace as always from all corners of a planet. Participation of teams of Russia, France, Armenia, Germany, Moldova and other countries is at present already confirmed. This year tournament will take place under the motto united now all wrestlers of a planet of "Save olympic wrestling".


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