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Twice champions of Austria Arsanov and Asukhanov

Sunday, 28 April 2013, 11:26
Twice champions of Austria Arsanov and Asukhanov

On April 20-21 in the city of Innsbruck passed the championship of Austria according to the free-style and Greco-Roman wrestling among juniors.

In the first day of competitions to a carpet there were representatives of the Greco-Roman style, and in the second — "freestylers". Both days magnificent fight were shown by Vainakh athletes. And, acting in both styles, some showed the highest results. Hamzat Asukhanov in weight category 55 kg and Emir Arsanov in 74 kg could become champions of Austria both in Greco-Roman, and in free-style wrestling. Asukhanov in both cases challenged superiority with Taha Arsanov and came out the winner. That is interesting, in competitions of "classics" all pedestal in the weight of 55 kg was occupied by our athletes. Besides Hamzat Asukhanov and Taha Arsanov, Shamil Matiyev rose by the third step of a pedestal.
In the championship of "freestylers" Emir Arsanov struggled for a gold medal with Yunus Edisultanov who as a result received a silver medal. Except these athletes, ranks of champions of Austria won Turpal-Ali Isayev (50 kg, Greco-Roman wrestling), Ayub Betsigov (60 kg, free-style wrestling) and Ahmed Abdulkadyrov (66 kg, free-style wrestling). In addition, Turpal-Ali became the silver prize-winner in free-style wrestling. Rasheed Dadayev (66 kg, Greco-Roman wrestling) also managed to take silver. Two bronze medals among "freestylers" and "classics" in category 50 kg at Ibrahim Isayev. Also, Elsbek Magomadov in 66 kg became the third.
By Movladi ABDULAEV 


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