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Half of awards of the championship of France

Saturday, 04 May 2013, 13:05
Half of awards of the championship of France

The free-style wrestling championship of France among young men of 14-15 and 16-17 years which took place on April 19-20 in the city of Pontarlye in the east of the country ended with deafening success of Vainakh athletes.

In total, they won a half of awards of the championship. In the first group of 14-15 years our wrestlers took six gold medals from 10 possible. Champions of France became: Mahomed Dakiyev from the city to Them (35 kg), Adam Ismailov from Bezier (38 kg), Islam Mirzayev from Shiltigeym (42 kg), Said-shah Abukhadzhiyev from Nice (46 kg), Ilyas Dzhankhayev from Due (60 kg) and Waleed Deshiyev from Nym (72 kg).

Owners of silver medals became: Inal Umarov (38 kg), Abubakar Dashayev (46 kg), Alibek Kayrbekov (50 kg), Ramzan Hanakayev (60 kg), Yousaf Abusultanov (72 kg). Bronze medals received: Murad Kurbanov and Ramzan Akhmadov (35 kg), Rasoul Kero (38 kg), Baysangur Yandiyev (46 kg), Aslan Altamirov (50 kg), Havazh Iriskhanov (55 kg), Hadis Dadashayev (60 kg), Nazim Dzhamalov (66 kg), Musa Maskayev (85 kg). As we see, in four weight categories our athletes played the first or second places among themselves. And in three categories occupied all pedestal. Among cadets of 16-17 years also there were six champions of France: Musa Achaliyev from Clermont-Ferrand (46 kg), his clubmates Temerlan Azizov (50 kg) and Imran Gobachev (63 kg), Ilman Mukhtarov from Besançon (58 kg), Hamzat Sangarayev from Banyole (69 kg), Shuddi Dzhabrailov from Fiva (100 kg).

Silver prize-winners became: Mahomed Albekov (42 kg), Turpal Aydamirov (54 kg), Abdoul Timirbulatov (69 kg), Shamil Kadyrov (85 kg). Owners of bronze awards: Movlat Akayev (42 kg), Ayub Midalishev and Mahomed Asarov (46 kg), Hamzat Iriskhanov (50 kg), Bislan Dudaev (69 kg), Musa Nutsalov (76 kg). In this group also, in the weight of 69 kg, our wrestlers got all awards. It is necessary to hope only that these children won't throw sports, will persistently train to repeat similar achievements among juniors and adults.

By Movladi  ABDULAEV


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