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Open championship of Blagoveshchensk in free-style wrestling

Monday, 06 May 2013, 09:51
Open championship of Blagoveshchensk in free-style wrestling

The team from Tambovka took away most of all "gold" on open championship of Blagoveshchensk in free-style wrestling

25 sets of awards of open superiority of Blagoveshchensk on free-style wrestling were played by athletes from Tambovka and the regional center aged from 6 till 13 years. In the second day of competitions passed final duels, and prize-winners and winners were called.
Perhaps, fight between residents of Blagoveshchensk Andrey Kustovym and Narek Kazaryan (2001-2003 year of birth, to 38 kilograms) became one of the being most remembered fights. Here Bushes — the fighter who is engaged in free-style wrestling almost half a year — overcame the rival with five-year "experience". And if in the first period Kazaryan conducted, in the second Andrey won it on a touch.
Following the results of final duels besides Andrey Kustov winners became Rashad Aliyev, Edward Mataforov, Timothy Yashta, Mikhail Ganin, Vadim Chebotar, Matvei Mull, Vladimir Kravtsov, Alexey Tretjakov, Vladimir Lutsenko, Saveli Berdykin and others.
Most of all "gold" — 9 awards — with themselves were taken away by athletes from Tambovka. On the second place by quantity of a precious metal fighters from the Cupid team (SDYuSShOR) — 7 medals. Two less at representatives of the sports club "Troy", the four first a place at combined APCOO of federation of free-style wrestling (classes are given at No. No. 4 and 15 schools).
By the way, this academic year for athletes of younger age these competitions became final. Some wrestlers of 13-15 years are expected by fights on a carpet in Khabarovsk. Here will pass open superiority on the Cup of the mayor.


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