On the free-style wrestling championship of Russia from Buryatia will go 7 athletes
From May 14 to May 16, 2013 to Kemerovo passed the free-style wrestling championship of Siberian federal district. Following the results of competitions the national team of the Republic of Buryatia brought home two gold and two silver medals
To 55 kg - Ayusheev Beligto, 1 place;
To 60 kg - Banzaraktsayev Victor, 1 place;
To 66 kg - Vilmov Vladimir, the 2nd place;
Over 100 kg - Tsyzhipov Baldan, the 2nd place.
Last competitions are selection on the free-style wrestling championship of Russia where by results of Siberian federal district from the Republic of Buryatia 7 athletes of freestyle will go to Krasnoyarsk for identification of the strongest wrestlers of the country. Four prize-winners of the Kemerovo championship will join Badmayev Bato, Balzhinimayev Aldar and Bogomoyev Alexander, the press service of Republican agency on physical culture and sport reports.