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Wrestlers brought 5 medals from Estonia

Monday, 20 May 2013, 14:29
Wrestlers brought 5 medals from Estonia

On May 18 in the Estonian city Vilyanda passed the 15th international tournament on free-style wrestling of memory Kullo Koyva. In tournament participated 130 athletes representing 15 teams from five states: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Belarus.

Successfully wrestlers from elgavsky club Milons (trainer Vladimir Smirnov) and representatives of Elgavsky edge (trainer Tengiz Papaskiri) acted on it.

In weight category 38 kg the first place was won by Osman Dzasezhev (Milons), and the third Artemy Yudin from Elgavsky edge. In weight category 32 kg the second place at Dmitry Mylnikov from Elgavsky edge and third (Milons) at Volodar Smirnov. In weight category 35 kg the second place was won by Alexander de Silva from Elgavsky edge.


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