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Aliyevsky tournament will take place by new rules

Thursday, 23 May 2013, 14:01
Aliyevsky tournament will take place by new rules

Participants of the Ali Aliyev tournament by one of the first will test new rules of wrestling

About it the correspondent was reported wrestdag.ru by the chief judge of competitions Ubaydula Osmanov.

"The present memorial in honor of our glorified fellow countryman will be quite representative — Ubaydula Osmanov noted. — Teams will take part in it from Turkey, Iran, Poland, Hungary, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, we wait also delegation from Ukraine. About 30 wrestlers will represent regions of Russia, approximately as much athletes will be exposed by the national team of Dagestan. Among them, with rare exception — all leading Dagestan wrestlers for whom this start is important in respect of maintenance of a competitive tone and check of the forces before national championship. Performance on tournament will be useful to them and other participants also because competitions will take place by the new rules approved at meeting of FILA bureau on May 18 in Moscow. At the same meeting the decision on carrying out all competitions after May 19 by new rules was made. This decision is justified in every sense, however all of us, judges who will work at the forthcoming tournament, appeared in a little difficult situation as yet didn't receive the relevant documents, and on all changes in rules learned from the press. I don't say already that neither arbitrators, nor at wrestlers had no opportunity to test new rules in training conditions. In too time of big difficulties at the judicial case shouldn't arise as the new set of rules doesn't comprise anything such that it was impossible to acquire quickly them and correctly to put into practice".

"Tournament will be served by about 30 judges of the international category, including foreign, arrived as a part of foreign delegations — Ubaydula Osmanov continued. — For arbitrators and representatives of teams we the seminar with explanations of new rules is held on the eve of competitions, on May 24. His delegate of FILA, the referee of the Olympic category from Poland Andrzej Glaz will conduct. Let's gather on faculty of foreign languages in Dagpeduniversiteta. The beginning — at 16:00".

Let's remind that Ali Aliyev's 44th memorial will pass this weekend, on May 25-26, in Sports palace of Ali Aliyev.



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