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Truskavetsky championship

Thursday, 23 May 2013, 13:50
Truskavetsky championship
фото http://www.tpg.ua/

In Lviv region held the area championship among pupils

On May 18-19, 2013 in Truskavets in a sports complex of child junior sports club "Sportovets" the free-style wrestling championship of area among pupils 2000 and a pier was organized and held. child junior sports schools of Lvovshchina. In total 152 young fighters took part in competitions from fourteen sports schools: Vinnikov, Pustomit, Sosnovka, Stebnik, Borislav, Shchirtsa, Submountaineers, Lviv (four schools) and Truskavets (DYuSK "athlete" and DYuSSh "SPARTACIST". The chief judge of competitions - Century Rakovsky (Lviv).
The general management of the organization of competitions carried out the Lvov regional office of Committee on physical training and sports of MON of Ukraine (the chief of office - A.Ignatovich).
The administration of Truskavetsky child junior sports club "Sportovets" provided necessary conditions on a venue of competitions, the organization of accommodation of all participants, their medical care and rewarding of prize-winners of competitions with diplomas and medals.
At solemn opening with welcome speech and the best regards the chief of educational and sports department of the Lvov regional office of Committee on physical training and sports addressed to participants of competitions Igor Vovk and the director of DYuSK "Sportovets" Lyubomir Matskovich.


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