On the eve of the international tournament "Ali Aliyev" took place the seminar by new rules of wrestling .
The judges serving tournament, and representatives of teams-participants were invited to it. I opened a seminar the chief judge of competitions Ubaydula Osmanov. He reported that, in coordination with the international and Russian federations of wrestling, is decided to hold tournament by new rules. Then the word was provided to the delegate of FILA, the referee of the Olympic category from Poland to Andrzej Glazu who acted with explanations of innovations in wrestling rules. These innovations were approved on taken place in Moscow on May 18 meeting of executive committee of FILA. While by new rules fought only in friendly duels against participation of wrestlers of the USA, Russia and Canada which took place on May 19 in Los Angeles.
Participants of a seminar complained that yet didn't see new rules in the published look, and know about them by hearsay or from scrappy mentions in the press. Explanations of the delegate of FILA continually caused questions and were accompanied by rough discussions. At the very least present dealt with the majority of innovations. Difficulties were caused only by the point concerning punishment of wrestlers for passivity. Judges and representatives of teams supported that while to do without it. To it the delegate of FILA, however participants of a seminar inclines also be not defined finally, whether it is worth applying this point of rules. Clarity will be brought in this question tomorrow before competitions. It was decided to gather again together and to continue acquaintance with new rules. But only this time acquaintance will happen in practice — during indicative duels of pupils of local schools of wrestling who will judge Andrzej Glaz and Ubaydula Osmanov.