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Julia Bumboshkina: "Dagestan reminds me my house"

Sunday, 26 May 2013, 13:24
Julia Bumboshkina:

What can be more spectacular than wrestling tournament? Roaring tribunes, beautiful fights, exact techniques … It is remarkable that this sport is mastered long ago by a fine half of mankind, not only as the athlete, but also as the referee. Here and on Aliyevsky tournament some years in a row there comes the judge of the international category Julia Bumboshkina from Buryatia

In conversation with the correspondent of RIA "Dagestan" of the lady-judge (that, you see, not so usually for Dagestan) shared impressions not only of the stay in our republic, but also summarized results of tournament which passed by new rules.

- Tell Julius, how comfortably you feel in this profession?

- I can precisely tell: in this profession I feel very comfortably. Probably, it is connected with that I fought earlier. I am the master of sports of the international class, and also I train a women's team and in parallel I am engaged judicial activity. So there are no problems. I know wrestling well, I judge both men, and women, and also Greek-Roman.

- Judicial activity is always disputes, discontent of the parties, even sometimes fights. No excesses arose for the entire period of work?

- No, probably, I was lucky, excesses yet weren't, and can because I am the woman therefore didn't arise.

- As far as we know, a profession of the judge at you family …

- Yes, you are absolutely right. My father the deserved free-style wrestling coach of Russia. Nowadays is the head of republican agency on physical culture and sport. Mother – the master of sports of the international class on firing from onions. Such here the sports family (smiles).

- You were earlier in our republic?

- Yes, in Dagestan I already for the third time. I took part on last year's tournament of memory of Ali Aliyev, and also in an intercontinental cup which took place in Khasavyurt.

- How to you in Dagestan?

- Very much it is pleasant to me here. This republic very much reminds me my house. It is similar the traditions to our republic – Buryatia.

- Today tournament takes place by new rules. What do you think of these changes?

- As a whole it is positive, but at the same time the percent of influence of judges increased by a meeting outcome. I as the judge, I think that it is wrong. Many and so are indignant that judges condemn athletes. And this factor will even more increase such conversations. I consider, it is necessary to enter such rules that athletes could define who from them is stronger.

- How, in your opinion, children consult?

- It was visible that to them it is a little heavy in respect of endurance. If there were three periods for two minutes and between them 30 seconds, now two periods for three minutes earlier. By the period end children exhaust, but I think, over time they adapt unless it is necessary to work in addition over endurance.


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