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5 facts about the richest Russian in Ukraine

Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 09:18
5 facts about the richest Russian in Ukraine

Vadim Novinsky - the master of sports on free-style wrestling, the sexton in the temple, Chernomyrdin "son" and the author of several military development

Businessman Vadim Novinsky takes the fourth place in a rating of the richest Ukrainians according to the Forbes.ua version. Its status – $1,9 billion. He obtained the Ukrainian nationality only a year ago with a statement "for outstanding merits in front of Ukraine".

Issuing clarified, what merits Novinsky and as he became a billionaire. We offer you the brightest facts from the biography of the director of Smart Holding.

Air traffic controler and developer

The native of Staraya Russa in the Novgorod region, in 1985 Novinsky graduated from the Leningrad academy of civil aviation majoring in the air traffic control engineer.

Studied Novinsky diligently, and on a last year became the foreman of a platoon. To Novinsky correspondence students addressed also: for money he wrote for them course.

Lived in the one-room apartment,walked in theater, security guards I didn't employ.

Future billionaire didn't gain the diploma with honors because of an annoying oversight: on the last state examination was dressed "not in the form" – in white socks, for what the teacher put in it four.

After institute Novinsky distributed in Petrozavodsk aviagroup where it worked as the air traffic controler. From there Novinsky returned on chair in an almakmater: to enhance management systems flights.

The following employment records – the employee it is skilled the designer Centre of Perspective Researches institute. In a database of Rospatent of TsPI appears as the owner of patents for ammunition, bullet-proof vests, anti-terrorist means.

From science in business

The Russian Forbes wrote that at the beginning of 1990 x the businessman bought a newsprint in Karelia, sold it in Bulgaria, on the gained money acquired in Ukraine "Zaporozhetses" and implemented them in Karelia.

In 1993 Novinsky started delivering fuel oil and diesel fuel on Zaporozhstal and Krivorozhstal. Metallurgists paid off with it with steel rolling.

The former deputy director of Krivorozhstal Alexander Rasputin acquainted Novinsky Privatbank with top managers, the Slavic and Pivdenkombank banks - Sergey Tigipko, Boris Feldman and Alexander Panov.

In 1999 the businessman founded in Dnepropetrovsk the Smart of Groups company (since 2006 – the Smart holding) to arrange the assets. Supply of explosive to Inguletsky, Northern, Central GOKI became the main source of the income by then.

Novinsky sometimes participates in church services as the sexton.

Today the basis of a status Novinsky is made by a minority share in the largest company of Ukraine – the Metinvest which controlling stake belongs to Ahmetov.

The Novinsky transferred to Ahmetov the equity stakes in Inguletsky GOKE, Makeevsky steel works and the Bulgarian enterprise Promet Steel, having retained 50% of actions ЮГОКа. The smart received locking packet of Metinvest – 25% + 1 action. For 2008-2012 Novinsky about $170 million dividends from Metinvest got, journalists counted.

Wrestling and faith

Novinsky in youth I was the master of sports on free-style wrestling and even I entered into Russian national team. "When I got acquainted with Vadim, paid attention: it broke an ear that is characteristic for wresters", – Anatoly Solovyanov, one of the first hired employees of the businessman in Ukraine tells.

The Novinsky consider as very believing person. He regularly visits Sacredly the Troitsk Ioninsky monastery, sometimes participating in church services as the sexton. According to the former commercial director of Zaporozhstal Oleg Koshelenko, the businessman before a dinner says a prayer. In its office some icons.

Chernomyrdin son

In an office Novinsky hangs Victor Chernomyrdin big portrait, the ex-ambassador of Russia in Ukraine, the dead three years ago.

The relations between Novinsky and Chernomyrdin were very warm, acquaintances of the businessman mark. "As that in a circle of the Ukrainian friends, behind a tea shot glass, Victor Stepanovich in response to a request to explain whom Vadim is necessary it, I embraced him and I called the son", – tells to Grishchenko, the former Deputy Secretary of State Minprompolitika.

Modest businessman

According to acquaintances Novinsky to which Forbes communicated, the Petersburg businessman – modesty. To the 90th I went by Nissan Maxima, I lived in the one-room apartment, I walked in theater, security guards I didn't employ.

"It was patience and tranquillity. One of his representatives could throw in a fit of temper: here to give in a snout or bandits to send, – Rasputin tells. – Vadim in such cases objected: it not our methods. Let's agree, people shall understand that aren't right".

Colleagues say that Novinsky with pleasure supports new projects. "To Novinsky many come with ideas of investments because know: it won't throw. If that that promises – boats will lay down, but will execute. And papers don't need to be signed" – Igor Buchatsky, two years worked at Novinsky explains with the director of business development.


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