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Dagestanis win in the championship of Belarus

Monday, 29 July 2013, 10:47
Dagestanis win in the championship of Belarus

Five Dagestan freestylers won the first places on a past on July 27 the championship of Belarus.

Winners became Guseyn Shakhbanov (60 kg), Azamat Nurikov (66 kg), Ali Shabanov (74 kg), Murad Gaydarov (84 kg), Yusup Dzhalilov (96 kg), the second places were taken by Asadulla Lachinov (55 kg) and Omargadzhi Magomedov (96 kg).

Results of last competitions for wrestdag.ru were commented by the senior trainer of the national team of Belarus Ruslan Sheykhov (on a photo).

In category to 60 kg there were no wrestlers with titles, and in this weight the recruit of the national team of Belarus Guseyn Shakhbanov took priority. He is the son of the trainer of Makhachkala ShVSM of Tagir Shakhbanova. While it is difficult to tell as far as Guseyn is ready to act successfully at the international level, but it is young and perspective, and we rest upon it hopes.

One more beginner of our national team — Azamat Nurikov — became a champion in the competition to strong wrestlers. Kizilyurtovets training in Khasavyurt UOR, in a semi-final surpassed the bronze prize-winner of the European championship of resident of Yakutsk Alexander Kontoyev, and in the ending — Jean Safyan who, in turn, won against highly experienced Albert Batyrov.

The good impression was made by Ali Shabanov. Recently he transferred operation on a nasal partition, for this reason he didn't participate in University games, but now as it should be. In Ali's championship  confirmed the leadership in weight to 74 kg.

The most skilled and most titled wrestler of our national team Murad Gaydarov surely carried out three fights, including final in which it was resisted by the finalist of junior superiority of Europe and the winner of these competitions of last year Alexander Hushtin.

Come back to a system after a long break in the career, connected with a trauma, Yusup Dzhalilov took priority in weight to 96 kg. In the ending it was conceded by his fellow countryman Omargadzhi Magomedov who decided to act in new category but while it hasn't enough weight — his weight doesn't exceed 90 kg. The first number among polutyazhy there is Ivan Yankovsky. He didn't participate in the championship because of a trauma got on University games in a duel with Abdusalam Gadisov. There they faced the heads, and this unpleasant moment turned back a section of an eyebrow and concussion for Ivan.

Weight to 120 kg — the most problem in our national team. After Alexey Shemarov's leaving to it there was no worthy replacement. In the championship I won against it the namesake — Alexey Nikolaev, but this heavyweight should work much over himself to become competitive on the international scene.

As a whole last championship left favorable impression, the competition increased, the circle of wrestlers on whom we can count a little extended. We will send winners of the championship to tournament to Poland which will take place on August 10-11, and trainer's council of the national team of Belarus led by Anatoly Beloglazov will determine a line-up by its results for participation in the September World Cup in Budapest — Ruslan Sheykhov summed up.



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