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Aleksandr Karelin: We arrived to support our colleagues wrestlers

Thursday, 29 August 2013, 09:06
Aleksandr Karelin: We arrived to support our colleagues wrestlers
Фото: Нария Турантаева

"Yakutia - a sign place on a sports Russia map. We arrived to support our colleagues wrestlers, to examine how preparation of athletes" is conducted, - the triple Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, the repeated world champion and Europe, Hera Rossii, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Karelin told on August 28 at a press conference.

The president of Federation of handball of Russia Vladimir Nelyubin, the minister of sports of Yakutia Mikhail Guljaev, the Olympic champion in free-style wrestling, the head of the center of sports preparation also participated in a meeting with journalists "Triumph" Pavel Pinigin.

"Changes are obvious, including on those sports objects where we visited. It testifies to that attention which the leaders of the republic pay to sports development. Special impressions are connected with sport center visit "Triumph" where over six hundred children gathered. It though young, but the most real athletes. Opening of the sports ground in the Industrial district of the city where children can be engaged in various game sports became a significant event in my opinion also that in turn will bring them more benefit, than pastime in clubs or gates", - he told.

Speaking about the purpose of the visit the president of Federation of handball of Russia Vladimir Nelyubin noted that it first of all sports objects interested where it is possible to conduct preparation on game sports. "Today the program on handball development in Russia is studied and from this point of view it is important to us to know about prospects in various regions, including in the remote. It isn't excluded that following the results of our trip in the subsequent we will pass on regions with athletes of our national team on handball and we will carry out a series of master classes for the purpose of drawing attention to this sport", - Nelyubin told.

Text: Ruslan Basygysov


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