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"Shpiegel" will tell about the Dagestan wrestlers

Saturday, 18 January 2014, 18:37

Today training of the national team of Dagestan was visited by correspondents of the German magazine "Shpigel".

This edition leaving with a circulation of 800 thousand copies, is considered one of the most popular and influential in Germany. To Dagestan arrived the head of the Moscow bureau of "Shpiegel" Matthias Schepp who nearly 15 years, and the Russian press photographer-freelancer Dmitry Belyaev cooperating with the magazine work in Russia in total.

Journalists visited the Center of the Olympic preparation in Makhachkala where these days leading Dagestan wrestlers finish preparation for the Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin". After day training Matthias Schepp communicated to the head coach of the national team Sazhid Sazhidov. The guest all interested: why wrestling is so popular in Dagestan where in the republic this single combat is most developed, wrestlers are how provided with conditions for skill improvement, on what they live, what at them the next start...

Having received answers to interesting questions, the German journalist told the correspondent of wrestdag.ru, than interest of "Spiegel" to Dagestan is caused.

— I not the first time come to your regions and always these trips were interesting and productive — Mathias Shepp noticed. — Now we prepare the big reporting on Dagestan in which we want to tell about today of the republic, about the processes happening in life of your society which, unfortunately, not always have positive character. Dagestan always was and remains to one of the most attractive regions of Russia for foreign journalists, and now it is attractive also because nearby, in Sochi, will pass such large-scale event, as the Winter Olympic Games. To understand occurring moods in society, we communicated with the most different people, spoke with passersby on the street. We couldn't avoid and wrestlers as they represent the most popular sport among your population which, it is possible to tell, is the card of Dagestan. The reporting with photoillustrations of my colleague Dmitry Belyaev leaves in "Spiegel" approximately in five-six weeks. I hope, the material will turn out objective and interesting and will help the German reader to make idea of today of your remarkable republic.



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